Author Topic: What Trump Has Accomplished (Rush Limbaugh)  (Read 1927 times)

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What Trump Has Accomplished (Rush Limbaugh)
« on: August 07, 2017, 09:13:04 pm »

What Trump Has Accomplished
Aug 7, 2017

RUSH: Contrary to the image portrayed — and I understand it. The image portrayed on, quote-unquote, “the news” every day is that Trump is a buffoon, Trump’s an idiot, Trump’s a pig, and Trump is losing. “Trump’s being shamed, and we, the media and the left are winning.” That’s what is portrayed. That is left the image, that is the prism that they construct every day — and nothing could be further from the truth, folks.

They aren’t winning. I know many of you are gonna, “Rush, they are! You can’t give people false hope like that.” I’m trying to give anybody false hope. I’m just telling you. They are not unbeatable. Trump’s very victory alone (and more) is evidence. Here’s a piece in the Investor’s Business Daily. It just happens to coincide with where I am here. “Someone Just Noticed That Trump Is Getting Stuff Done.” How many of these types of pieces have you seen lately?

There’s quite a few of them popping up now. As the economic news grows and is building, both the employment. The economic growth, the wage picture. it’s all on the uptick. None of it was happening during four years of Obama, just the exact opposite with Obama. People are starting to notice it. Even Gavin Newsom, who wants to run for governor of California (former mayor of San Francisco), is out there warning (paraphrased):

“You Democrats, this Russia business is gonna get us nothing. It’s not gonna get us a single vote.” He’s a lone voice in the Democrat universe. But he’s out saying, “It’s not going to get us a single vote. What are we gonna do in 2018, 2020, on the campaign trail? Just say ‘Russia, Russia, Russia’?” Gavin Newsom’s point is they’ve forgotten about people. They’ve forgotten about the people they claim to represent the little guy — and they have. They have cast the little guy aside.

Here’s the Investor’s Business Daily: “Achievements: After weeks and months of fixating on tweets and Russia, someone in the press decided to have a look at what the Trump administration has been up to since January. Lo and behold, they discovered that it’s getting a lot done. ‘Trump Has Quietly Accomplished More Than It Appears’ reads the headline in the Atlantic,” which is a magazine that hates Trump. “‘With the Trump administration’s chaos sucking up all the attention,’ the article begins, ‘it’s been able to move forward on a range of its priorities. …

“It is remaking the justice system,” and that is a nod to Gorsuch and upcoming Trump judicial appointments. The Trump administration is “rewriting environmental rules…” By the way, Trump made it official. We have officially pulled out of the Paris accords. Up to now, it was just Trump saying so. But at the U.N., we have actually pulled out of it. There were still some people hoping that they could change Trump’s behind even behind the scenes.

But no, we have officially pulled out of the Paris accords. And that is… Don’t let anybody tell you that’s not a big deal. The way they’re trying to handle that is, “Well, you know, the Paris accords weren’t really that big a deal. It was just a framework! It was just a document where nations of the world were committing their preferences.” Yeah, that’s what they say when it falls apart on ’em. That’s what they say when it blows up. It is a huge deal that the United States is pulling out. Obama had signed us up for it.

Trump is pulling us out. It is a huge deal. It is a major blow, because, as goes the United States, so goes the world. And I’m telling you that leftists around the world are shocked and ticked off like you can’t believe. So Trump’s rewriting environmental rules. Trump overhauling public lands administration. This is the Department of the Interior, where major changes have taken place in terms of regulations and public use.

We have already, the Trump administration’s already green lighted major — green lit, I should say — major infrastructure projects and the Trump administration is appointing figures, people, who will guarantee the triumph of its ideological vision for decades to come. Bingo! And all of this in 200 days.

Now, people don’t know it because none of this is covered in the Drive-By news, which is Russia, Russia, Russia, collusion, collusion, collusion, Mueller, Mueller, Mueller. Trump’s a pig, Trump’s a pig, Trump’s a pig. Or whatever’s going on in the White House briefing, or whatever argument’s Trump is having with the media. But in the real world things are happening, and they are significant things.

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Re: What Trump Has Accomplished (Rush Limbaugh)
« Reply #1 on: August 07, 2017, 09:25:35 pm »
"Principled" NTs don't listen to Rush Limbo No Mo.
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Re: What Trump Has Accomplished (Rush Limbaugh)
« Reply #2 on: August 07, 2017, 09:26:53 pm »
Trump has definitely accomplished a few things yet, IMO, he insists on taking the spotlight off many of those accomplishments to instead focus the news and the American public on his childish tweets, his petty squabbles, his attacks on the media, his name calling, etc. 
I adore facts and data and abhor lies and liars.

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Re: What Trump Has Accomplished (Rush Limbaugh)
« Reply #3 on: August 07, 2017, 09:27:16 pm »
"Principled" NTs don't listen to Rush Limbo No Mo.


Turned him off over a year ago, canceled my 24/7 membership and consider him to be apostate to what he paid lip service to all these decades.

I don't listen to charlatans who pretend to be one thing, while advocating another.

I'm actually laughing out loud reading what an over-the-top sycophant for Trump he has turned into.

He has no business making fun of the Obama worshipping morons in the MSM - his convoluted twists of logic are right on par with theirs.
« Last Edit: August 07, 2017, 09:28:38 pm by INVAR »
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Re: What Trump Has Accomplished (Rush Limbaugh)
« Reply #4 on: August 07, 2017, 09:38:43 pm »
Trump knows what happened in the DR.  One ill word from Rush, and everybody will read about it on Twitter.