Author Topic: What Causes Spooky Out-of-Body Experiences?  (Read 472 times)

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What Causes Spooky Out-of-Body Experiences?
« on: August 07, 2017, 08:25:40 am »
What Causes Spooky Out-of-Body Experiences?

Inner ear problems could be to blame

    By Amanda Onion, LiveScience on August 6, 2017

While driving and accelerating in his car, a patient in France suddenly had a bizarre sensation. He felt like he was outside his car, looking in at his physical self, which was still at the wheel.

The patient was part of a new study that links problems of the inner ear with eerie "out-of-body" experiences. These experiences arecurious, usually brief sensations in which a person's consciousness seems to exitthe body and then view the body from the outside.