Author Topic: Trump-haters can’t help themselves, creating Trump voters in New Jersey  (Read 328 times)

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Online Right_in_Virginia

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Trump-haters can’t help themselves, creating Trump voters in New Jersey
American Thinker, Aug 6, 2017, Thomas Lifson

Keep it up, you coastal elites. Keep telling the unwashed deplorables how much you loathe them, where they live, their tastes, habits, and even where they go on vacation. Ridicule the things about President Trump that endear him to people that resent the people who seem to be in charge of everything. In fact, go ahead and deliver a scathing insult to the Garden State of New Jersey and its estimated 8.994 million residents.

It required the efforts of two of the Boston Globe’s top reporters, Matt Viser and Annie Linskey, to concoct the elitist disdain that is apparent in the title of their piece, “Forget scenic traditions — Trump vacations in the land of spray tans.”
In selecting New Jersey, Trump, a billionaire homebody despite his jet-setting reputation, will settle for the thwack of golf balls and the chirping of birds on his own golf course in a state that conjures spray tans, Snooki, muscle shirts, “The Sopranos,” traffic jams, and toll plazas.

Oh, and those eponymous concrete barriers on the interstate.

Trump will even be able to hear the tractor-trailers from his chosen venue: the Trump National Golf Club in Bedminster, N.J. The seventh hole on one of the club’s two courses is a pitching wedge shot from I-78, a.k.a. the Phillipsburg-Newark Expressway.


Online Right_in_Virginia

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Forget scenic traditions — Trump vacations in the land of spray tans
Boston Globe, Aug 4, 2017, Matt Viser and Annie Linskey

WASHINGTON — There’s been an unspoken norm among presidents that their vacations are glamorous, or at the very least, scenic.

In election years, they tend to bow more to the masses. But most other years are set aside for mixing with elites. Listening to foghorns. Strolling on oceanfronts. Yachting, golfing, horseback riding.
President Trump, who delights in thumbing his nose at the country’s cosmopolitan class, is using his first presidential break, which started Friday, to send a fresh version of that message: He’s spending his 17-day summer holiday in New Jersey.

You heard that right: New Jersey.

It’s no Martha’s Vineyard or Kennebunkport. It can’t compare to Hyannis Port, to name the prominent New England playgrounds where modern presidents have gone to unwind. The closest competition for unlikeliest vacation spot is Crawford, Texas, a dusty, brush-generating ranchland where George W. Bush at least evoked the romance and rigor of the American West.

In selecting New Jersey, Trump, a billionaire homebody despite his jet-setting reputation, will settle for the thwack of golf balls and the chirping of birds on his own golf course in a state that conjures spray tans, Snooki, muscle shirts, “The Sopranos,” traffic jams, and toll plazas.

Oh, and those eponymous concrete barriers on the interstate. 
Trump will even be able to hear the tractor-trailers from his chosen venue: the Trump National Golf Club in Bedminster, N.J. The seventh hole on one of the club’s two courses is a pitching wedge shot from I-78, a.k.a. the Phillipsburg-Newark Expressway.

The denizens of charming, gray-shingled, salt-splashed New England settings don’t seem to mind at all that Trump has snubbed the region.

“Thank the Lord he chose New Jersey,” gushed John Alley, a Dukes County commissioner who lives on Martha’s Vineyard, where Bill Clinton and Barack Obama returned multiple times during their presidencies. “We’ve had some real presidents here.”

Asked if he would ever vacation in New Jersey, Alley answered quickly: “Hell no. Jersey is a place you pass through to get somewhere else.”



  • Guest
Keep it up, you coastal elites. Keep telling the unwashed deplorables how much you loathe them, where they live, their tastes, habits, and even where they go on vacation. Ridicule the things about President Trump that endear him to people that resent the people who seem to be in charge of everything.

New Jersey is a coastal state.

Good job, American Thinker, telling New Jersey how much you loathe them, where they live, their tastes, habits, and even where they go on vacation.


The irony is palpable...