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Imran Awan coverage betrays media bias
« on: August 03, 2017, 09:51:35 pm »
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July 31, 2017
Imran Awan coverage betrays media bias
By Bill D'Agostino

A week has passed since the arrest of former House staffer Imran Awan, and the establishment media have given the event only superficial coverage.  Awan, a Pakistani immigrant, was formerly employed by more than 30 House Democrats as an I.T. technician.  Most members fired him following the announcement in February of an FBI probe into his potentially criminal behavior during his tenure as a Hill staffer.  However, he remained an employee of Rep. Debbie Wasserman-Schultz's D.C. office until he was arrested last Monday while attempting to flee to Pakistan.

News of Awan's arrest first broke on Fox News the morning after he was apprehended, while CNN, NBC, and ABC took more than a day to cover the story.

Thus far, CNN's only on-air acknowledgement of the controversy surrounding Awan has been an early-morning segment, running just under four minutes, in which Jake Tapper and Tom Foreman emphasized that Awan had been arrested only for bank fraud, and Foreman dismissed all other allegations against Awan as conspiracy theories.

Neither NBC nor ABC gave the story any network airtime
