Author Topic: Denver Mayor Plans Executive Order To Fast Track Sanctuary City Policies  (Read 312 times)

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Will Racke
2:45 PM 08/02/2017


Denver Mayor Michael Hancock is drafting an executive order that would turn the city’s expansive sanctuary policies into municipal law and all but cut off cooperation with federal immigration authorities, except in the most severe criminal cases.

The draft order, which was obtained by the Denver Post Wednesday, would codify a ban on allowing police officers to enforce immigration law. It would also prevent police from letting Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) officers access the secure areas of jails or other municipal buildings in order to arrest criminal aliens.

Hancock’s order comes two weeks after the Denver City Council proposed a similar ordinance that would give the force of law to many of the city’s guidelines for public employees. Current city policy bars the Denver Sheriff from honoring ICE detainers, prohibits police officers from asking about a person’s immigration status, and blocks city funds or resources from going toward immigration enforcement. (RELATED: Denver Moves To Cut Off Communication With ICE)

Are there any laws we can jail this guy under?

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