Author Topic: The Best of Power Line: Sean Penn and Venezuela Revisited  (Read 301 times)

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The Best of Power Line: Sean Penn and Venezuela Revisited
« on: August 03, 2017, 08:03:44 pm »

Posted on August 2, 2017 by Steven Hayward in Hollywood, Venezuela
The Best of Power Line: Sean Penn and Venezuela Revisited

Leftists who loved Venezuelan socialism are strangely quiet right now, so we think it is fitting to revisit an old post about one of Hugo Chavez’s greatest boosters, Sean Penn. From December 28, 2012, here is “Sean Penn: Bard for Our Time“:

There are a handful of writers, Shakespeare being the best example, whose works best come to life heard aloud rather that read silently on the two-dimensional page.  Sean Penn, the actor and, as the Puffington Host reminds us, “Ambassador-at-Large for Haiti,” is another such bard for our time.  He has a piece up right now at the PuffHo, enticingly titled “Breached Pinatas,” that will surely take its place in the canon of great literature of the West.  Or at least West Hollywood.