Author Topic: GOP establishment's nightmare: Sen. Roy Moore? Conservative Alabama icon poised for runoff for Sessions' Senate seat  (Read 278 times)

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GOP establishment's nightmare: Sen. Roy Moore?
Conservative Alabama icon poised for runoff for Sessions' Senate seat
Published: 13 hours ago

Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell has had trouble pulling his GOP ranks together for almost any issue lately.

True, the senators did approve Neil Gorsuch for the U.S. Supreme Court, but on Obamacare, and a number of other issues, there just hasn’t been a lot of success in reaching unanimity.

It’s partly because he’s working with liberals like Sen. John McCain, who just last week torpedoed an effort to fix some of the more egregious mandate problems with Obamacare. And with conservatives like Sens. Ted Cruz and Rand Paul, who frequently lobby for positions of less government, lower taxes and just-let-people-run-their-own-lives.