Author Topic: Trump promised to protect LGBT Americans, not pander to them  (Read 233 times)

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Echoing the cries of many LGBT liberals who have never once given President Trump a fair shake, CNN's Anderson Cooper hit the airwaves to tell the nation that Trump's policy preventing transgender individuals from serving in the military is a "broken campaign promise." To Cooper, Trump's decision to reverse an Obama policy that is only 13 months old was an act of betrayal.

On the same day, many LGBT groups blasted an amicus brief filed by the Department of Justice arguing that the 1964 Civil Rights Act, as written, does not apply to the LGBT community. The brief was filed in a case pending before the Second Circuit.

Thus these two instances, coupled with the White House not celebrating June as Pride Month and not including LGBTs in the 2020 Census (something Obama did not do in 2010), constitute a renewed culture war between conservatives and progressives. But is Trump, the first president to enter 1600 Pennsylvania Ave. accepting marriage equality, gearing up to wage a culture war against the LGBT community?

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