Author Topic: Trump’s 'America First' vs. McCain’s 'America Last'  (Read 318 times)

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Trump’s 'America First' vs. McCain’s 'America Last'
« on: July 30, 2017, 11:27:18 am »

Trump’s 'America First' vs. McCain’s 'America Last'
By David P. Goldman July 28, 2017

Not the supposed protectionist Donald Trump, but the “free trade” wing of the Republican Party has taken the United States into a trade war that it can only lose. New sanctions against Russia passed by the House and Senate last week force Europe into a de facto alliance with Russia against the United States, and by extension with China as well. It is the dumbest and most self-destructive act of economic self-harm since the United States de-linked the dollar from gold on August 15, 1971, and it will have devastating consequences. The charade in the House and Senate may embarrass Trump, but it also poses a threat to European energy supplies as well as an extraterritorial intrusion into European governance. Berlin, Paris and Rome will conspire with Moscow to circumvent the sanctions while attacking the United States at the World Trade Organization and other international fora.