Author Topic: Unable To Confront The Migrant Crisis, Europe Is Committing Suicide  (Read 670 times)

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Unable To Confront The Migrant Crisis, Europe Is Committing Suicide

As Europe’s migrant crisis enters a new phase, it’s clear that European leaders have neither the will nor desire to preserve their own civilization.

By John Daniel Davidson   
July 18, 2017

On Sunday, German Chancellor Angela Merkel said she would not limit the number of refugees coming into the country. “On the issue of an upper limit, my position is clear,” Merkel said. “I won’t accept one.”

Setting aside the electoral implications of Merkel’s statement, which defied her party’s long-term coalition partner just two months before federal elections, it perfectly captured the refusal of European leaders to face the migrant crisis head-on—a refusal that in turn epitomizes the slow suicide of European civilization.

President Trump’s Warsaw speech earlier this month provoked predictable cries of racism and xenophobia from a mainstream media worried that even the term “western civilization” was a dog whistle for alt-right nationalists. Implicit in such criticism is the dubious notion that western values are not really western, that people of all cultures and religions desire more or less the same thing.

His critics say Trump was playing on white Europeans’ fears that Muslim migrants won’t adopt western values and won’t assimilate into European society, and therefore pose a direct threat to western civilization. But there’s another group that Trump no doubt had in mind, a group that also rejects western civilization and has little interest in defending or preserving it: European elites.

European Elites Refuse to Defend Women

Without splitting hairs over what we mean by “western civilization,” let’s stipulate that, at minimum, it encompasses things like freedom of speech and religion, equal rights for both sexes, and democratic rule of law. One could argue that these are elements of western civilization most people in Muslim-majority countries don’t share with the denizens of Europe. But let’s set that aside and ask an equally pressing question: do European political leaders believe in them? Do their policies reflect a desire to defend and preserve these principles?

Increasingly, the answer is no. Take women’s rights, for example. In Europe as in America, the equality of the sexes has for decades been held as an immutable fact. But Europe is even more militant about its feminism than America. For Europeans, the very idea of a housewife is backwards and oppressive; mothers are expected to work and send their children to state-subsidized child care, not opt out of the workforce to raise a family. This is the official policy of the EU, which has entire commissions dedicated to ensuring more women enter the workforce.

For Muslim immigrants to Europe, who come from societies in which women are generally subordinate to men, this comes as a shock. Yet for a long time Europe insisted that newcomers adopt western attitudes regarding women’s rights and sexual freedom. As Christopher Caldwell has noted, this was the only non-negotiable demand Europe made of its immigrants. The European ruling class might have been willing to look the other way on free speech and denounce as fascist anyone who worries about Islam and terrorism, but on feminism there was no room for negotiation: “It is the litmus test according to which assimilation—and even membership in the national community—is judged. It is the one area where Europeans retain both a deep suspicion of Muslim ways and a confidence in their own institutions that is free of self-doubt.”

At least, that’s how it used to be. Caldwell wrote those lines in 2009, long before the migrant crisis coincided with a spike in sexual assaults perpetrated mostly by Muslim men. The mass sexual assault in Cologne and other German cities on New Year’s Eve last year made headlines—not just because of the brazen nature of the attacks but also because German authorities tried to suppress information about them. It was only after rumors and eyewitness accounts began cropping up on social media that authorities acknowledged what had happened.

The most infamous case of this kind is perhaps the Rotherham child sex exploitation ring, which first came to light in 2010. An independent inquiry found in 2014 that British men of Pakistani origin had groomed at least 1,400 underage girls for sexual exploitation over the previous 16 years. The girls, some as young as 12, were variously abducted, raped, tortured, and forced into prostitution. Even more shocking than the details of the sex ring is why it persisted for so long: police and city officials knew what was happening but didn’t take action for fear of being accused of racism.

You would think this would be enough for the government to take action and protect the women and girls being preyed upon by these men, but you’d be wrong. Two years after the inquiry, an investigation by the Daily Express found that nothing had changed; the exploitation was still happening “on an industrial scale.”

No government in the 12,000 years of modern mankind history has led its people into anything but the history books with a simple lesson, don't let this happen to you.

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The left would like us to follow Europe's example too.   **nononono*

Offline Fishrrman

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Europe's future.
Not a question of "if" any longer.
Only a question of… "when"… ?

Online Smokin Joe

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The most infamous case of this kind is perhaps the Rotherham child sex exploitation ring, which first came to light in 2010. An independent inquiry found in 2014 that British men of Pakistani origin had groomed at least 1,400 underage girls for sexual exploitation over the previous 16 years. The girls, some as young as 12, were variously abducted, raped, tortured, and forced into prostitution. Even more shocking than the details of the sex ring is why it persisted for so long: police and city officials knew what was happening but didn’t take action for fear of being accused of racism.

When you can't defend your daughters for fear of being called a name, you aren't men --or women, you ain't sh*t.
How God must weep at humans' folly! Stand fast! God knows what he is doing!
Seventeen Techniques for Truth Suppression

Of all tyrannies, a tyranny sincerely exercised for the good of its victims may be the most oppressive. It would be better to live under robber barons than under omnipotent moral busybodies. The robber baron's cruelty may sometimes sleep, his cupidity may at some point be satiated; but those who torment us for our own good will torment us without end for they do so with the approval of their own conscience.

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I can only conclude that one world government is the end goal.  When one examines the plain truths in both Europe and America there really is no other conclusion that can be reached.

Rape, human slavery, prostitution and sexual mutilation really aren't so bad according to the powers that be.  The problem is us they say.  We're either too simple to understand fundamental cultural differences or just downright xenophobic.  In essence, they work very hard to pound into our heads that the most basic of human rights is a notion that is both old fashioned and outdated.  Get over it.

Yet for many of us that cuts against the grain of our very being - basic human rights are non-negotiable.  They never have been and never will.  We've fought multiple wars in the past over fundamental freedoms and will fight more in the future.  Anyone who simply follows the trends will understand at a gut level that we are on a very dangerous collision course of two diametrically opposed ideas that cannot end well no matter how you slice it.  Another big bang is coming and it's only a question of time.

Freedom of speech is under widespread attack, examples present themselves every single day right here on this forum.  Women as a whole are under attack but women's groups are strangely silent.  Power is shifting away from the individual and into fewer and fewer hands severely limiting our freedom to choose.  Political correctness prohibits intelligent discussion about any subject whatsoever whether it be race, culture, taxes or the environment.

In short - it is the very definition of Fascism.

For many people Fascism is a nebulous term that is no easier to grasp that a puff of smoke.  It has no concrete meaning that can be pinpointed, much like the famous quote about pornography, I know it when I see it.  We have the architects of ruin who have decimated our educational system and rewritten our history to thank for that.  But ask a historian or a WWII vet about Fascism and there is nothing nebulous about the notion, it is as real as a mass grave intended to hide the evidence.

So now we come down to the question of why: what underlying forces are behind the mass suicide of countries like Sweden, Belgium, Germany and the United States?  It's not an invisible black hole sucking us in by gravity against our will.  It's not a sudden flip in morals that allows us to believe rape is a good thing and human trafficking is no different than buying a knock off Gucci handbag.  What power is so incredibly strong that fundamental freedoms become secondary priorities that can be tossed into the trash can like an old worn out t-shirt?

Ask yourself these very same questions and see if you come to a different conclusion.  I think not.

Online Smokin Joe

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Well, they all work for the same Master, but that could be decried as a religious myth by the PC crowd. Let 'em, it ain't. There are Muslims desperately trying to bring about the Caliphate and the Dar-al-Islam, by provoking the final conflict and having the 12th Imam crawl out of his hole. They are joined by the Socialists who think they can control everything, even the planet's temperature, who have a whole lot to learn, especially about their allies.

The Muslims and the WWII era Fascists and National Socialists had so much in common that the Grand Mufti hobnobbed with the Little Corporal and even whipped up a couple of SS regiments for him, all champing at the bit to eliminate Jews and other Infidels and Untermenschen, and did, brutally, effectively, without mercy or regard for suffering inflicted, unless they were enjoying their work.

They never went away. They took different names, they rephrased their rhetoric, they infiltrated the institutions and universities of the free world, and set about perverting it in order to destroy it. They are well along their way, and only the most severe backlash can rebuff this in the areas this philosophical cancer has metastasized. In some places, the disease, and that is what it is, a lethal disease of humanity, had progressed to the point that some organs, some limbs perhaps will have to be destroyed to save the patient, that patient being all that western Civilization holds dear.  We have expended a great deal of blood and treasure to fight this fight, even at a time when Europe has thrown open the city gates in the face of invasion. While blood and lives are poured upon distant battle fields, back home the doors have been flung open by the politicians to the enemy in the guise of 'multiculturalism'.
In the words of Lincoln, "A house divided against itself cannot stand." Will it take fighting in the streets to recover Europe? Will we let America decay and continue to import the problem until our troubles match those on display in other countries or will wisdom prevail and those in power call an end to an experiment doomed to end in destruction, not only of cities and lives but our very way of life.

This isn't the hotheadness of xenophobia, but a calm and deliberate analysis of events elsewhere with the full knowledge that if that end is to be prevented, then other means must be employed, otherwise our gutters will run with blood ere we recover our civilization, or failing that we will all be forced to submit or die.

We have been under the illusion since the glory of VJ Day that we have no war on the home front, yet it has been waged here against us all along, in the media, in 'entertainment, in philosophy, in the Universities and popular reading, and in the very assault on our language and way of life. We have languished, fat, happy, and somnolent while our enemies have ever built their networks, infiltrated even the highest offices of our government, and now threaten us with those they have emplaced within. It's past time to stand on principle and fight back.
How God must weep at humans' folly! Stand fast! God knows what he is doing!
Seventeen Techniques for Truth Suppression

Of all tyrannies, a tyranny sincerely exercised for the good of its victims may be the most oppressive. It would be better to live under robber barons than under omnipotent moral busybodies. The robber baron's cruelty may sometimes sleep, his cupidity may at some point be satiated; but those who torment us for our own good will torment us without end for they do so with the approval of their own conscience.

C S Lewis

Offline Fishrrman

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In an excellent post, Hondo asks:
"So now we come down to the question of why: what underlying forces are behind the mass suicide of countries like Sweden, Belgium, Germany and the United States?  It's not an invisible black hole sucking us in by gravity against our will.  It's not a sudden flip in morals that allows us to believe rape is a good thing and human trafficking is no different than buying a knock off Gucci handbag.  What power is so incredibly strong that fundamental freedoms become secondary priorities that can be tossed into the trash can like an old worn out t-shirt?"

The power of self-guilt -- WHITE guilt.
With it comes self-doubt, self-hatred, and the willingness to do this:

Online goatprairie

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In an excellent post, Hondo asks:
"So now we come down to the question of why: what underlying forces are behind the mass suicide of countries like Sweden, Belgium, Germany and the United States?  It's not an invisible black hole sucking us in by gravity against our will.  It's not a sudden flip in morals that allows us to believe rape is a good thing and human trafficking is no different than buying a knock off Gucci handbag.  What power is so incredibly strong that fundamental freedoms become secondary priorities that can be tossed into the trash can like an old worn out t-shirt?"

The power of self-guilt -- WHITE guilt.
With it comes self-doubt, self-hatred, and the willingness to do this:

There's certainly a certain amount of that in the abject surrender of western civilization to a third world moronic religious philosophy.  I believe many of these spineless westerners are afflicted with liberalism and egalitarianism.  They believe that somehow they have wronged these third world scum suckers and they must redress their crimes.
Also, they really believe (or profess to believe) that everybody everywhere is equal in intelligence and wants the  same things. The idea that large percentages of some populations are not very bright and not much interested in western, democratic ideals seems to discombobulate them.
This to me points to my belief that the world's liberals and leftists are bigger threats than militant Islam because we possess the power to stop the Islamic infestation and fail to do so.
So what will happen in fifty years when a number of European countries are majority Muslim and have junked their democratic institutions to go full sharia? Do the rest of the world's democratic western countries sit by idly as Islamic Scandinavia accepts nuclear weapons from Iran and threatens the rest of Europe?
I won't be around.  But I'm not real optimistic about the future.
« Last Edit: July 20, 2017, 12:08:30 am by goatprairie »