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5 habits to give up right now if you want to be rich


5 habits to give up right now if you want to be rich
Kathleen Elkins   | @kathleen_elk
Thursday, 13 Jul 2017 | 11:29 AM ET

Like most things in life, wealth doesn't simply appear.

The good news is, "if you follow the beliefs, philosophies and strategies of the rich and take action, you have a legitimate shot at becoming a millionaire," says self-made millionaire Steve Siebold, who spent decades studying rich people for his book "How Rich People Think."

If you're ready to take action, start by giving up these five costly habits.

1) Buying things using credit card debt
2) Getting financial advice from TV
3) Doing hookers
4) Doing blow
5) Doing hookers and blow at work

1) Find something that people want to buy, and sell it
2) Spend less than you earn
3) Don't take advice from random listicles on the Internet
4) If you followed 3, this and 5 are unnecessary
5) Profit


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