Author Topic: Experiencer-Based EXOPOLITICS: News from a Larger Contact Experiencer Survey by FREE (Dr Edgar Mitchell)  (Read 948 times)

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The Dr. Edgar Mitchell Foundation for Research into Extraterrestrial Encounters (FREE) has been conducting an anonymous SURVEY directed to experiencers that claim to consciously recollect contact experiences with non-human intelligent beings in connection to UFO sightings. The larger scale  of the survey provides a better data base than what has been previously know. It can provide more meaningful statistics to try to understand what the contact experience is about under multiple aspects.  Is it benign? Is it transformative? Is it something about which we need to be weary about?  Considering the possibility that most respondents are describing real experiences and that they are not mentally ill, deceiving or imagining things, this becomes necessary EXOPOLITICAL data that should be carefully considered. Considering the fact that answering the survey involves a serious effort and that it is anonymous, and the fact that most experiences seem to have had positive life-enhancing effects, it is unlikely to think that the usual suspects of lying and mental illness are the cause of these reports.
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The data is useful exopolitical data that also supplements what is being gathered and assessed through leaked as well as formally declassified UFO-related documents, complex narrations by current and past well-known contactees, abductee research, historical books, unique archaeological findings and other plausible sources such as mediumnistic, telepathic, remote viewing, lucid dreaming, hypnotic regressions, shamanic encounters and channeling. It also complements serious, objective ufology demonstrating the existence of unknown “anomalous” aerial objects performing “impossible” maneuvers, some of which may well be both technologically advanced and otherworldly. It adds to the dawning realization that something unique with physical and psychical characteristics is really going on. It seems to tell us about the nature and purpose of a variety of technologically advanced, non-human intelligent beings, normally operating in a semi-covert manner, capable of manipulating space-time, contacting specific individuals for various precise purposes; beings apparently possessing “multi-dimensional” technological and consciousness-related capabilities that usually seem “paranormal” to us. Moreover, several – somehow related – “contact modalities” seem to be in operation here.
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As of March, 2017, 3200 persons reporting their contact experiences sent their responses in English. Other survey are being conducted in other languages. If we are talking about genuine contact experiencers with non human intelligent beings, the data can serve exopoliticians define a preliminary strategy on how to relate with a variety of more technologically advanced beings that may be interacting with thousands – if not millions – of individuals – worldwide.
The Co-Chairs of this research study are Dr. Jon Klimo, a retired Professor of Psychology and one of the world’s leading academics on the “Paranormal” and Dr. Bob Davis, a retired Professor of Neuroscience at the State University of New York. Researchers members of the FREE Board of Directors and advisory board also collaborated. The dedicated role of Mr. Reinerio Hernandez in formulating questions, coordinating the overall effort and informing about the survey was invaluable.

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OVERVIEW OF INITIAL DATA FINDINGS:  Many of our summary data responses totally contradict what is being circulated in the field of Ufology.  Many of the summary data are rarely or never openly discussed in the field of Ufology.  What we found is that the vast majority of individuals that have had UFO related “Contact” with NHIBs view their experiences as “Positive” and they are having a multitude of paranormal experiences.  These many diverse paranormal contact experiences provide support towards the hypothesis that we live in a multi-dimensional reality which suggest that humans are both physical and spiritual beings and that the NHIBs that are interacting with us might indeed be multi-dimensional beings interacting with us on multiple levels of reality–  a hypothesis that many of our FREE Ph.D. physicists and scientists call “The Quantum Hologram Theory of Consciousness”. 

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  • 2,010 individuals have seen a UFO.
  • 63% of these individuals had a witness to the UFO sighting(s). We also collected numerous data about what the UFOs looked like, how it moved and its size and dimensions, etc.
  • 54% have deliberately called down to see a UFO craft.
  • 58% have deliberately called to see a NHIB.
  • 1,390 individuals have physically seen a NHIB.
  • 63% said they had witnesses who also saw this Being.
  • 72% have interacted with the being(s);
  • 85% of these individuals have interacted with these beings more than once.
  • 54% have seen them more than 10 times.
  • 55% saw Energy Beings: 7% were mainly negative experiences;
  • 52% saw Human Looking Beings: 2% were mainly negative experiences;
  • 50% saw Small Greys: 5% were mainly negative experiences;
  • 47% saw Spirit/Ghost Beings: 4% were mainly negative experiences;
  • 34% saw Tall Greys: 4% were mainly negative experiences;
  • 26% saw Hybrid Beings: 3% were mainly negative experiences;
  • 25% saw Reptilians: 23% were mainly negative experiences;
  • 21% saw Insectoid/Mantid Beings: 5% were mainly negative experiences;
  • 14% saw Small Animal Being: 8% were mainly negative experiences;
  • 13% saw Tall Animal Being: 6% were mainly negative experiences;
  • Overall, 85% have stated their contact with NHIBs have been “Positive”;
  • 84% do not want their Contact experiences with the NHIBs to stop.
  • 7% believe the NHIBs are Bad or Malevolent.
  • 62% have stated that the NHIB have tried to help them.
  • 71% feel Expanded Consciousness in the presence of the NHIBs.
  • 66% have felt Love from these NHIBs.
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  • 1,700 have had “paranormal” experiences in their home.
  • 1,950 or 81% who took our Phase 1 survey have had an Out of Body Experiences.
  • 37% who took our Phase 2 survey had a Near Death Experience.
  • 76% have seen a Ghost or Spirit.
  • 67% have had a Past Life Memory.
  • 47% have met and conversed with a deceased person.
  • 29% have Channeled a NHIB(s).
  • 49% have seen their body out in space leaving the planet Earth.
  • 45% have memories of visiting what is commonly called “The Spirit World”.
  • 941 individuals have physically seen an Orb and 66% were seen in their home.
  • The orbs were seen in all different colors.
  • 46% saw an orb go through an object such as a wall.
  • 82% believe these Orbs are conscious living beings.
  • 47% have seen what can be considered “Shadow People” in their homes, beings that look cloudy human like that streak across their home.
  • 60% have repeatedly experienced objects moving in their home without any logical explanation.
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There aren't a lot of reasonably, well done survey's.
This sounds like a decently done one.
I think the details are interesting. Some of them may be important. It is hard to tell which will be how important.
I think it does show that a lot is going on in the field--a lot that the average person is incredibly ignorant about.
Forgive all; In all things Thank God; Love all. Love 1st, most & always... BE CALM & DO THE NEXT LOVING THING.
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