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RIP Retail: These 19 retailers are closing hundreds of stores in 2017

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--- Quote from: Freya on July 15, 2017, 11:35:23 am ---I can't speak for everyone, but the women I know in real life have cut back on their clothes shopping. Or are going to stores like TJ Maxx, Marshalls, discount stores and outlets.

They are also cutting back on makeup. Going from high end brands like Clinique and LancĂ´me to Revlon and Cover Girl.

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My experience also.  When my granddaughter was here this summer and I offered to buy her make up she chose Target and the lower tier brands.

I have purchased my clothing online almost exclusively for more than a decade.  Much of my casual clothing, particularly jeans comes from Costco, otherwise I buy my clothing entirely online.


--- Quote from: ConstitutionRose on July 15, 2017, 12:20:48 pm ---My experience also.  When my granddaughter was here this summer and I offered to buy her make up she chose Target and the lower tier brands.

I have purchased my clothing online almost exclusively for more than a decade.  Much of my casual clothing, particularly jeans comes from Costco, otherwise I buy my clothing entirely online.

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Yes, I buy almost exclusively online now.  I can find the size, color and style I want at a price I'm willing to pay.


--- Quote from: TomSea on July 15, 2017, 02:10:29 am ---CVS is on the list, interestingly, Walgreen's is not.

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That's excellent news!

CVS still hasn't learned from their earlier activism...they've recently doubled-down.


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