Author Topic: World Leaders Unite as Prelude to Extraterrestrial Disclosure  (Read 960 times)

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Dr Michael Salla
Source article:
The book discussed is EXO-VATICANA . . . one of the best, if not THE best books on the topic. It is also the MOST THOROUGHLY RESEARCHED documents I've ever read in all my 70 years.

Title in the video is:
World Religions Unite as Prelude to Extraterrestrial Disclosure.
I've long thought that the merging of the world's religions would be more likely to occur AFTER the critters had dramatically presented themselves to the world.
We shall see.
Forgive all; In all things Thank God; Love all. Love 1st, most & always... BE CALM & DO THE NEXT LOVING THING.
QUIX thread for Quix GLOBALISM, UFO ETC topics here: WILLIAM TOMPKINS Disclosure bk thread:,224639.0.html . Calling: To afflict the comfortable & comfort the afflicted[/