Author Topic: Joan’s Notes from David Wilcock Discussion Panel 5-21-17 {Joshua Tree 'Contact in the Desert' Conf}  (Read 949 times)

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Offline Quix

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. . .
TABBY’S STAR: Tabby’s Star, in the constellation Cygnus, was revered by the Ancients. It may be a Dyson sphere. Half the telescopes in the world are all turned to this star today (this  started the day that this conference began). NASA is saying it could be a swarm of alien megastructures.
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All the publicity on this phenomenon is ‘drip’ disclosure to get people ready for whatever this happens to be.
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The ‘flux’ is severe; the star is getting darker and darker. Jupiter in front of Tabby’s Star could dim the light by 1%, but the light has dimmed by 17-22%.
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An informant of Linda Moulton Howe told her that after July 15, 2017 there could be an event that could shock the Earth’s system. It correlates to the last similar cycle on July 16, 1946. This person says there is architecture on the dark side of the moon which matches the architecture that has been found in Antarctica.

For fifteen years we have been taking out bodies and artifacts from Antarctica that were there before the ice was (that would be 13 million years ago!)
. . .

There is a black mat of carbon nano-diamonds on the other side of the Northern hemisphere. It is also called the Usselo Horizon. They have looked to find a counter-point on the other side of the globe but have not found one. The black mat is five inches thick and is oily to the touch.
. . .
Linda knows someone who has been to Mars six times. We have a base in a lava tube on Mars that is pumped full of an oxygen-blend that humans can breathe.

David has an insider that saw a photo of astronauts waving at a giant pyramid on Mars.

THE PARACAS SKULLS: The Paracas skulls from the coast of Peru are from 80 BC and were discovered in 100 AD. They have non-human characteristics.

. . .

They do not have any Native American genetics and did not cross the Bering Land Bridge as the Native Americans did.


Some of their heads are more flat-topped and others have a bun-like dome. They have no saggital suture. Their eye sockets are huge and there are two large holes at the back of their head for blood flow.

A full skeleton was found with a head that was twice as big as the others. A baby was also found whose head was twice as big as it’s torso and had an elongated skull.
. . .

Also continued from:
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AC – Andrew Collins, BF = Brian Foerster, DW = David Wilcock, LMH = Linda Moulton Howe, MB = Mike Bara

AC: Alien Megastructure discovered in Cygnus, announced by NASA. Just reported NASA official news that they have discovered an alien Civilization out there in Cygnus… Many telescopes pointed that way. Dyson sphere.

MB: Same groups attacking/opposing disclosure are the ones opposing Trump.

{QX NOTE: Most such folks are fiercely hostile to Trump and are 'card carrying members' of the politically clueless liberal masses. Though most of them also are aware of the oligarchy and its heavy-handed tyrannical doings. I don't know how they manage the plentiful cognitive dissonance.}

LMH: “Fear porn” re: N Korea. DW pointed out data that shows benevolent ETs are protecting. LMH agreed… I think…

LMH: someone she know says structures back of moon match Antarctica and Mars structures. And there have been people going there and taking out bodies, artifacts, for 15 years.

. . .

MB: media is falling. Monopoly is being broken. Yes thanks to Trump. Once MSM monopoly broken, disclosure will follow.

 Qx commentary:
I originally had David W et al pegged as more or less utterly clueless cultists flakes of one sort or another.
My take now on David W & Corey Goode is that they are not as flaky as I'd originally pegged them as.  However, I still believe they are being fed massive amounts of disinformation and aspects of the Biblical GREAT  DECEPTION along with whatever % bits of facts.
There have just been too many purported additional whistle-blowers surfacing saying too many similar things for there to be 0.0% of anything to it all.
Evidently the group can be  included with  those 'insiders' claiming that there will be major revelations  this summer to early fall.
Time will tell.
= = = =
@Cyber Liberty
@Ghost Bear
@Liberty Tree Dr
@Mom MD
@Smokin Joe
@Texas Yellow Rose
« Last Edit: July 19, 2017, 12:56:16 am by Quix »
Forgive all; In all things Thank God; Love all. Love 1st, most & always... BE CALM & DO THE NEXT LOVING THING.
QUIX thread for Quix GLOBALISM, UFO ETC topics here: WILLIAM TOMPKINS Disclosure bk thread:,224639.0.html . Calling: To afflict the comfortable & comfort the afflicted[/

Offline Quix

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“…UFO crashes from three different time periods… have all been found…. Pete was part of a team that has been working on an incredibly detailed analysis of these crashes for at least the last 30 years. The level of specifics is almost too much, since you are dealing with entire teams of scientists who did nothing but study these sites for years at a time.

“Plans are definitely in place to reveal the whole thing to us. A negative ET group is also demanding a disclosure announcement in the very near future.

“The battle between the Cabal and the Alliance is playing out in the US as the DoD (Alliance) versus the CIA and there are many mysteries in current events that can be explained.
{The above originally at the link  below . . . }
Forgive all; In all things Thank God; Love all. Love 1st, most & always... BE CALM & DO THE NEXT LOVING THING.
QUIX thread for Quix GLOBALISM, UFO ETC topics here: WILLIAM TOMPKINS Disclosure bk thread:,224639.0.html . Calling: To afflict the comfortable & comfort the afflicted[/

Offline Victoria33

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"For fifteen years we have been taking out bodies and artifacts from Antarctica that were there before the ice was (that would be 13 million years ago!)"  A sentence written but no evidence.

"There is a black mat of carbon nano-diamonds on the other side of the Northern hemisphere. It is also called the Usselo Horizon. They have looked to find a counter-point on the other side of the globe but have not found one. The black mat is five inches thick and is oily to the touch."  A sentence written but no evidence.

"Linda knows someone who has been to Mars six times. We have a base in a lava tube on Mars that is pumped full of an oxygen-blend that humans can breathe."  A sentence written but no evidence. 

The most danger we face is N. Korea exploding a nuclear bomb in the upper atmosphere above the more western states, taking us back to living as those did in the 1800s and we don't have the skills and tools and animals they did to live during that time.  Mega millions die.  I wrote these sentences and do have evidence these words are true.   

According to "my" source, this country has been on full alert from the moment we knew N. Korea successfully guided an ICBM to a height that means it had enough power to get to our country, and it was guided to land where their target was - they had control of it.  It went higher than our satellites, higher than the space station.  That is our present danger, not aliens on Mars with no evidence, not nano diamonds with no evidence, not bodies from Antarctica with no evidence.

We did not know N. Korea had that ICBM.  We do not know if they already have a mini-sized nuclear tip for that ICBM.  This is reality, this is our actual danger.  I hope we are both alive in August when we hopefully will meet.

Offline Quix

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"For fifteen years we have been taking out bodies and artifacts from Antarctica that were there before the ice was (that would be 13 million years ago!)"  A sentence written but no evidence.

"There is a black mat of carbon nano-diamonds on the other side of the Northern hemisphere. It is also called the Usselo Horizon. They have looked to find a counter-point on the other side of the globe but have not found one. The black mat is five inches thick and is oily to the touch."  A sentence written but no evidence.

"Linda knows someone who has been to Mars six times. We have a base in a lava tube on Mars that is pumped full of an oxygen-blend that humans can breathe."  A sentence written but no evidence. 

The most danger we face is N. Korea exploding a nuclear bomb in the upper atmosphere above the more western states, taking us back to living as those did in the 1800s and we don't have the skills and tools and animals they did to live during that time.  Mega millions die.  I wrote these sentences and do have evidence these words are true.   

According to "my" source, this country has been on full alert from the moment we knew N. Korea successfully guided an ICBM to a height that means it had enough power to get to our country, and it was guided to land where their target was - they had control of it.  It went higher than our satellites, higher than the space station.  That is our present danger, not aliens on Mars with no evidence, not nano diamonds with no evidence, not bodies from Antarctica with no evidence.

We did not know N. Korea had that ICBM.  We do not know if they already have a mini-sized nuclear tip for that ICBM.  This is reality, this is our actual danger.  I hope we are both alive in August when we hopefully will meet.

INDEED . . . in terms of still being around  through  August.

IIRC, we have been on 'full alert ' multiple times since WW2. Most the  public didn't  find out about, at the time.

In terms of the 'no evidence,' . . . 2 things:

1. My Boss' proof that it was the  MOST flaky groups that (A) MOST ACCURATELY and (B) EARLIEST told who Hitler was and what he would do.

2. Time  will tell.

3. CERTAINLY the oligarchy has long planned to reduce the USA (and most Western nations) to ashes in order to make setting their global overt government of full tyranny easier and  quicker to set up. There's  plenty of findable documentation on that around  in lots  of places.

4. Prepping is horse sense & wisdom . . . and at best . . . life will still likely be a grinding challenge for those still 'living.'

5. I am convinced that God has some surprises  in  store for the evil-doers--in or out of their deep underground cities.

Thanks for your kind reply.
Forgive all; In all things Thank God; Love all. Love 1st, most & always... BE CALM & DO THE NEXT LOVING THING.
QUIX thread for Quix GLOBALISM, UFO ETC topics here: WILLIAM TOMPKINS Disclosure bk thread:,224639.0.html . Calling: To afflict the comfortable & comfort the afflicted[/

Offline Quix

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Detectives build a convincing convicting case for murderers to go to the execution chamber on less 'evidence' than has been building up for a lot of these assertions.
And, Wikileaks emails document a number of things from major  political leaders et al in the know. That's not exactly 0.0% evidence.
Just based on the VERIFIABLE and verifiED position, careers of a number of high level whistle blowers--e.g. William Thompkins--is a LOT more significant than farts in a hurricane!
It is beginning to appear to me that you have a fierce investment in setting yourself up for a false negative error because your definition of "evidence" is so narrow and rigid.
I think you are aware that when one leans tooooo far over toward avoiding a false positive error, one scientifically and inexorably sets one's self up to be victimized by a false negative error. Both can be deadly.

"For fifteen years we have been taking out bodies and artifacts from Antarctica that were there before the ice was (that would be 13 million years ago!)"  A sentence written but no evidence.

"There is a black mat of carbon nano-diamonds on the other side of the Northern hemisphere. It is also called the Usselo Horizon. They have looked to find a counter-point on the other side of the globe but have not found one. The black mat is five inches thick and is oily to the touch."  A sentence written but no evidence.

"Linda knows someone who has been to Mars six times. We have a base in a lava tube on Mars that is pumped full of an oxygen-blend that humans can breathe."  A sentence written but no evidence. 

The most danger we face is N. Korea exploding a nuclear bomb in the upper atmosphere above the more western states, taking us back to living as those did in the 1800s and we don't have the skills and tools and animals they did to live during that time.  Mega millions die.  I wrote these sentences and do have evidence these words are true.   

According to "my" source, this country has been on full alert from the moment we knew N. Korea successfully guided an ICBM to a height that means it had enough power to get to our country, and it was guided to land where their target was - they had control of it.  It went higher than our satellites, higher than the space station.  That is our present danger, not aliens on Mars with no evidence, not nano diamonds with no evidence, not bodies from Antarctica with no evidence.

We did not know N. Korea had that ICBM.  We do not know if they already have a mini-sized nuclear tip for that ICBM.  This is reality, this is our actual danger.  I hope we are both alive in August when we hopefully will meet.

Forgive all; In all things Thank God; Love all. Love 1st, most & always... BE CALM & DO THE NEXT LOVING THING.
QUIX thread for Quix GLOBALISM, UFO ETC topics here: WILLIAM TOMPKINS Disclosure bk thread:,224639.0.html . Calling: To afflict the comfortable & comfort the afflicted[/