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How 2 startup founders with no product, no users and no real proof their company would work raised $3 million — then built a company worth $1.3 billion


How 2 startup founders with no product, no users and no real proof their company would work raised $3 million — then built a company worth $1.3 billion

    Alyson Shontell

Robinhood is a commission-free stock trading app that was recently valued at $1.3 billion. But when the company was first starting, there was very little proof the founders could pull it off.

Vlad Tenev, cofounder and co-CEO of Robinhood, says his app could not get regulatory approval without having a sizeable amount of funding from venture capitalists. But most venture capitalists didn't want to give him money, because he had no product.

In related news: Welcome to Our Startup Where Everyone is 23 Years Old Because We Believe Old People Are Visually Displeasing and Out of Ideas.

Yes, it's satire.


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