Author Topic: NYT Admits Facts Behind Bogus Russia Claim It Pushed For 9 Months Are ‘Simple’  (Read 399 times)

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The Daily Caller
10:19 PM 07/06/2017

The New York Times said the facts behind a bogus Russia claim the media has been pushing for nine months now are “simple” in a story Thursday that does not mention the paper rated the claim as true when it was first used by Hillary Clinton.

Trump put the paper of record in a tough spot Thursday when he drew attention to the fact that the press has confessed to pushing a false claim that “17 intelligence agencies agree” on Russian interference in the presidential election. The New York Times and Associated Press both acknowledged the Clinton talking point is false this week, and conceded that in fact only three agencies working under the aegis of the Director of National Intelligence weighed in on the election meddling.

“The reason the views of only those four intelligence agencies, not all 17, were included in the assessment is simple: They were the ones tracking and analyzing the Russian campaign,” The New York Times reports. “The rest were doing other work.”

Indeed, those facts have been clearly apparent since the DNI released the unclassified report in October 2016. Any reporter capable of using Google could figure out the Coast Guard intel agency probably didn’t assess the Russian influence campaign.


CNN/NYT = All the Fake-News fit to print.

I said before that 'reporters/journalists' today are like yapping dogs. If one dog starts barking, all the other dogs join in even if they do not know what they are barking at. Reporters do not verify anything anymore. And I have seen this in real life. I have seen Tucker Carlson ask guests several times, How do you know that is true? And it is common for the guest to respond, I read it in the New York Times. Or, I saw it on CNN.

Today, when a single Liberal media outlet reports something/anything, all the other Liberal media outlet declare it to be an irrefutable 'fact', without doing even the slightest independent research. This is because the Liberal press 'wants' it to be true, so they don't fact check it, and they do not want to contradict another Liberal outlet fellow traveler.

Trump is right. The American media is half fact and half fiction. They just make stuff up, and report things that they want to be true, not necessarily what is true. And they don't care. They are just fine with that.
You cannot "COEXIST" with people who want to kill you.
If they kill their own with no conscience, there is nothing to stop them from killing you.
Rational fear and anger at vicious murderous Islamic terrorists is the same as irrational antisemitism, according to the Leftists.