Author Topic: German Intel Agency Says Hundreds Of Jihadis Arrived Among Refugees  (Read 285 times)

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German Intel Agency Says Hundreds Of Jihadis Arrived Among Refugees

Posted By Jacob Bojesson On 7:57 AM 07/05/2017 In | No Comments

Germany’s domestic intelligence agency (BfV) warned Tuesday that the growing number of Islamist militants in the country makes further terror attacks highly likely.

“We have to assume that we can expect further attacks by individuals or terror commandos in Germany too,” BfV chief Hans-Georg Maassen said at a press conference Tuesday. “Islamist terrorism is the biggest challenge facing the BfV and we see it as one of the biggest threats facing the internal security of Germany.”

The agency has also identified some 10,000 members from the Turkish Islamist Milli Gorus movement. In total, around 24,400 Islamists are active in Germany. The number marks a slight decrease from the previous report, but a shift toward “a more violence-prone” environment makes the overall terror threat worse.

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