Author Topic: Democrats are moving the goalposts on the collusion story  (Read 341 times)

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Democrats are moving the goalposts on the collusion story
« on: July 05, 2017, 08:30:26 pm »
Democrats seem to be moving the goalposts on the collusion story a bit and Politico has a story today noting the shift:

    Hillary Clinton, Virginia Gov. Terry McAuliffe and Mark Warner, the top Democrat on the Senate Intelligence Committee, have all stoked speculation that American insiders may have helped the Russians orchestrate their wide-ranging hacking and disinformation campaign — including with guidance on which political targets to exploit and what kinds of leaked information would most resonate with swing voters. The Democrats got backup from former FBI Director James Comey, who told lawmakers in June he was sure law enforcement would work to determine “if any Americans were part of helping the Russians.”

    But so far, no public evidence has surfaced that any Americans coordinated with Moscow’s digital army in selecting targets for hacking, strategically deploying the purloined documents for maximum political impact — a point echoed by research firms investigating the election-year hacks…

    Senate Intelligence Chairman Richard Burr (R-N.C.) said Democrats might be groping in the dark with their “insider” theory. “Maybe they’re trying to pin the tail on some donkey here,” he said.

As usual, there is no evidence leading anyone to this conclusion, at least none that anyone can discuss in public. So how is this any different from the collusion story Democrats have been promoting for months? As far as I can tell the difference is that this version is less specific, i.e. it doesn’t say the collusion was with Trump or his people.

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