Author Topic: Illuminati Insider Reveals The Alien Agenda & Cosmic Conspiracy {Stan Deyo on Beyond The Veil Oct 2016}  (Read 820 times)

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Offline Quix

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I've talked with his wive Holly. I don't recall if I've corresponded with him directly, or not. They are fiercely authentic and very Biblical Christians.
This is one of Stan's better audio interviews, imho. All of his are good. This one shares some background and perspective I hadn't heard before.
He notes a very secret base in Saudi Arabia . . . whereat, according to his security detail . . . anyone walking within a certain distance of it is 'automatically' and more or less instantly killed--no questions asked; no challenges with pass codes--just instant death. Ditto anyone approaching from the air without clear authorization.
Stan discusses the critters as satan and the Illuminati's stooges, agents.
He claims to have proven where the Garden of Eden was located . . . in Northern Tanzania . . .
He discusses that the change of the speed of light HAS changed--therefore trashing carbon dating. That the speed of light was 1 with 60 zero's times faster than it is now. Cue @roamer_1
He mentions a dating error on when the Garden of Eden was started.
He insists that the earth was 25% smaller in diameter back in history.
That space can be considered a viscous fluid--somewhat like a cold honey.
He claims Pangaea split about 2345 BC vs 150 million years ago. 
He notes that the Yucatan Peninsula was where "Jocktan" 4th generation down from Shem after the flood migrated to. His name in Hebrew was Yucatan.
He asserts that a huge asteroid caused a crater 240 miles wide in the Indian ocean that the oil industry had long searched for . . . the main hole was 15 miles in diameter. . . . Sri Lanka was split off from India by that asteroid.
Raised and lowered areas of the earth . . . one area 6 million square miles was depressed . . . another area was 6 million square miles pushed up on the SW part . . . 350 feet . . . the Banda Sea is part of the rim of the hole made by the asteroid . . .  the bed made when the asteroid stopped . . . there's a similar asteroid effect in Argentina . . . it hit west to east . . . claims oil industry geologists have noted that he just answered a long sought puzzlement to them . . . re the area of Saudi Arabia etc.

I haven't found the other hours of that interview, yet.
I have no doubt about Stan Deyo's integrity.
I'm not totally convinced of the 100% accuracy of 100% of his conclusions from his extensive research. Nevertheless, imho, he is one of the more 'outside-the-box' original thinkers and researchers with an excellent brilliant mind and uncommon humility and integrity for someone of his background.
He exults a bit over his discoveries but more like a kid finding a new toy or adventure than like some arrogant snob.
I think the world and Christianity owe the Deyo's a huge debt of gratitude for their research, conclusions and warnings about looming events of these end times--including the deceptions of the illuminati and the fallen angels/ET's involved with the globalists to bring about the Biblically predicted one world tyrannical government ruled by satan for 3.5-7 years.
@Cyber Liberty
@Ghost Bear
@Liberty Tree Dr
@Mom MD
@Smokin Joe
@Texas Yellow Rose
« Last Edit: July 04, 2017, 12:26:28 pm by Quix »
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