Author Topic: Atlantean Outposts in Antarctica Reveal New Surprises {Trinfinity (source)}  (Read 842 times)

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Offline Quix

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une 22, 2017/by Kathy J. Forti
A high strangeness continues on the coldest desert on Earth we call Antarctica. Remote viewers have been having a field day trying to see what so many governments of the world are hiding down there and refusing to talk about.
Incoming reports are somewhat similar in nature—an unearthed lost civilization found under the ice, an alien influence and presence, and the discovery of advanced technology. But a higher understanding behind this Arctic development has eluded most reporters and remote viewers
. . .
Nicolay confirms that advanced technology and intact ruins of a lost civilization have been unearthed in Antarctica from what he saw. This explains why so many in the last year have all suddenly decided to go there. Visits by such dignitaries as former President Barak Obama, former Secretary of State John Kerry, NASA astronaut Buzz Aldrin, Russian Orthodox Church leader Patriarch Krill, and Vladimir Putin, to name just a few, is circumstantial evidence that some major discovery has been unearthed.
Activity in Antarctica goes back decades to World War II when Nazi Germany’s Third Reich first started building secret bases there for development of “advanced technology”. The Nazi’s knew something was hidden there, but weren’t talking.
About 30 years ago the Russian government started drilling through about two and a half miles of thick ice on Lake Vostok, a 15 million year old lake they discovered UNDER the ice of Antarctica. When other nations began drilling as well, Nicolay says they found a “shiny black box” under the ice which then became activated.
The device is now emitting a plasma-like energy pulse which is being felt across South America and as far north as Mexico. Unfortunately, no one has any idea on how to turn off this device nor the potential havoc it might cause, even health-wise. (The U.S. government recently revealed that Antarctica military personnel have been exposed to radiation leaks (causing cancer for some), but they claim it is from their base nuclear power generators.)
There is early evidence to support buried technology on Antarctica. In 2006 NASA satellites discovered a super gravitational force emitting 300 miles up into space, coming from a large impact crater in Antarctica which they now call the “Wilkes Land Gravity Anomaly.”  Scientists have been forever puzzled at what might be causing such “wonky” waves”.  They officially claim it must be due to ice vibrations causing atmospheric ripples.
. . .
On hearing the Saudi news, Russian President Vladimir Putin reportedly dispatched the naval research vessel Admiral Vladimisky to collect the Ark from the Saudi port city of Jeddah – the gateway to Mecca – and take it to Antarctica for safekeeping. Two Russian battle satellites were launched to protect the Admiral Vladimisky and its precious cargo. A fleet of Russian warships, a salvage tug and oil tanker – carrying out maneuvers in the Indian Ocean were also ordered to rendezvous with it.
. . .

Welllllllllllllllllllll . . . perhaps the plot thickens.
I have a dim view of remote viewing as dangerous spiritually . . . but it is sometimes interesting what folks come up with. The remote viewing info comes somewhere--particularly with totally ignorant-of-the-topic folks.
Notes from audio interview at the  link (between Dr Kathy Forti--clinical psychologist and "Gene" E.M.Nicolay--his website: . . .  ):
--it is soooo complex--so many things came up--a shocking number of things.
--their tech was crystalline and holographic in nature . . . i.e. a piece of the puzzle showed the whole--like a hologram
--The Middle East comes up . . . part of this holographic tech had been buried under a 'holy' site in Saudi Arabia . . .
--Looks like a shiny black box . . . linked to all the other Atlantian colonies . . . a kind of communication grid . . .
--It had several different factors . . . it was interdimensional; was able to exhibit extraordinary energy-power; it also could display the future . . .
--Dr Forti: . . . Orion's Cube tech . . . a number of countries have had access to
--EMN: A number of areas of the earth are interdimensional portals . . . only "human angelics" with their particular DNA and energy signatures are able to activate such  portals . . .
--Antarctica . . . intact Atlantian (it was not Atlantis) ruins . . . a major interdimensional portal center for Atlantis . . . that are filled with this sort of tech
--Such tech is going to unlock a number of things and create a number of issues . . . that portal is still in use by Dracos etc. . . . to infiltrate this dimension . . .
--A black box tech was discovered in Mecca . . . a number of  people were killed by an energy burst from  the black box when it was found & approached . . . Saudi's called on the Russians . . . who have experience with such tech in secret circles etc . . . . . . .
--timeline collapse . . .
--Eurasian enlightenment and renaissance after the West--particularly North America is decimated
--Russians realized it was a spiritual kind of issue, as well . . . so they called in the Russian Orthodox . . . . . .
= = =
That's from about 1/3 of the audio interview.
I treat remote viewing as info from fallen  angels etc . . . full of disinformation but probably with bits of truth.

@Cyber Liberty
@Ghost Bear

@Liberty Tree Dr
@Mom MD
@Smokin Joe
@Texas Yellow Rose
« Last Edit: July 04, 2017, 12:29:35 pm by Quix »
Forgive all; In all things Thank God; Love all. Love 1st, most & always... BE CALM & DO THE NEXT LOVING THING.
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Offline Quix

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A number of his assertions are consistent with, similar to

a fair amount of prophetic warnings about portals open and demonic forces etc. coming into our reality . . .

and . . . the bit about humans are required to open the  portals for the evil critters . . .

And . . . consistent with my own conclusions about the oligarchy's relationship with such goings on.
« Last Edit: July 04, 2017, 12:27:19 pm by Quix »
Forgive all; In all things Thank God; Love all. Love 1st, most & always... BE CALM & DO THE NEXT LOVING THING.
QUIX thread for Quix GLOBALISM, UFO ETC topics here: WILLIAM TOMPKINS Disclosure bk thread:,224639.0.html . Calling: To afflict the comfortable & comfort the afflicted[/