Author Topic: Trump attacks 'Psycho' Joe Scarborough, 'Crazy' Mika Brzezinski in Twitter tear  (Read 18621 times)

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Silver Pines

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Maybe his mom or wives had bad PMS and he's traumatized


It has to be something....


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When it comes to Mika...Trump just is reiterating his strong believe by many that anything that bleeds for seven days... and doesn't die, should not be trusted. 

Offline XenaLee

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Ronald Reagan is the gold standard when it comes to Presidential decorum. "Class" never goes out of style, it's timeless.

The wholesale effort to egg Trump on, from people I consider reasonably intelligent and moral, is befuddling and disconcerting.

No quarter given to the enemy within...ever.

You can vote your way into socialism, but you have to shoot your way out of it.

Silver Pines

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I find it  funny looking through the archives how we mocked and complained about Obama's unprofessional use of twitter (remember twitter diplomacy) to communicate and for the narcissism. Now, many cheer it being used in a manner that would get a 6 year old some time in the corner if he talked to someone that way. We've gone from mocking #bringbackourgirls to cheering juvenile antics on the same platform.

Idiocracy fulfilled.


All joking aside, what 70 year-old man thinks and behaves like this?  Sincerely.

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It has to be something....

He's an admitted germophobe. Blood where it doesn't belong, ie outside the skin, is icky.
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It has to be something....


Honestly I don't care what it is.    I care about whats being done to push through the changes we need. Why are we being distracted with meaningless trivia.    Who cares what he tweets.
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Offline Night Hides Not

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All joking aside, what 70 year-old man thinks and behaves like this?  Sincerely.

He's now 71...  :thud:
You can avoid reality, but you cannot avoid the consequences of avoiding reality.

1 John 3:18: Let us love not in word or speech, but in truth and action.

Silver Pines

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He's now 71...  :thud:

He's too old to change, that's for near sure.

Silver Pines

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Honestly I don't care what it is.    I care about whats being done to push through the changes we need. Why are we being distracted with meaningless trivia.    Who cares what he tweets.


Ask Trump. 

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I have a feeling the only ones on both sides who actually enjoy it are the same ones who cheer when The Rock lays the smackdown on The Undertaker and swear it is all real.

And they have such disdain for America that they don't care how much it degrades the nation.
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“He's so dumb he thinks a Mexican border pays rent.” --Foghorn Leghorn

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If nothing else, Trump is drawing attention re: these leftists and their agenda to the perpetually asleep (or too busy working their @ss off) moral majority..... to the point that they will, hopefully, wake the hell up and start regularly voting the leftists out every election.

I wouldn't be placing too much hope in that.  A large number of "Republicans" I converse with now believe its the government's job is to provide for the less fortunate with other people's money and government programs.

A large number of former suburban Chicago Democrats have migrated South into the Nashville area in the last five years, and they are voting for the same stupid crap that put them into bankruptcy up there.  They are like locusts, and sadly - the locals are giving into them!

Fart for freedom, fart for liberty and fart proudly.  - Benjamin Franklin

...Obsta principiis—Nip the shoots of arbitrary power in the bud, is the only maxim which can ever preserve the liberties of any people. When the people give way, their deceivers, betrayers and destroyers press upon them so fast that there is no resisting afterwards. The nature of the encroachment upon [the] American constitution is such, as to grow every day more and more encroaching. Like a cancer, it eats faster and faster every hour." - John Adams, February 6, 1775

Offline Cripplecreek

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It's ok. Go ahead. Share your feelings with the group.

Mod Note:  Knock it off, WTF.  You've been warned before, time for another small vacation.

Frank is like a favored per around here as long as he licks the right boot.

Offline Applewood

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Very becoming of a Statesman.....

How utterly pathetic and embarrassing.

I am so glad I had no hand in electing this dufus.

I'm with you.  This guy is supposed to represent the US.  No wonder other nations think we're a bunch of lowlife idiots.

Trump must not have much else going on if he has the time to engage in a childish pissing match with a lousy talking-heads TV program.  Perhaps he took lessons from Obama.  Seems Obama had lots of recreation time and now,  so does Donald.  Obama spent his free time golfing and on vacation.  Trump spends his acting like a 2-year-old on Twitter.
« Last Edit: June 29, 2017, 05:58:51 pm by Applewood »


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Frank is like a favored per around here as long as he licks the right boot.

You are just mad because you don't know where the "Line" is.   Frank dances all around it.  Frank is like an IED sniffing dog.... thus he knows where to step and not get blown the hell up! :silly:

Offline XenaLee

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Actually I've found that being negative is a habit.  I've seen it time after time after time.  No matter what happens some people always see the negative.  Nothing is good enough for them.

Not only that.   But negativity rubs off on you.  I was married to an ex-CIA guy that, over the years, became more and more and more negative.  It's a mental disorder that you can 'catch' if you're too close to it for too long.  I have apparently caught it.  But not to the point that I'm not still hopeful for us to recover and survive the leftist assault.

Others choose to look at the positives.  For example Hillary is not our President.  Obama is gone too.    Yes Trump has many flaws.   He's also done some things good, such as the Supreme Court.  He cannot do it by himself and the constant negativity is a cancer among those who should be trying to help push him in a more positive way.

I thank God every day that Hillary isn't in the WH and that the rats aren't in power.  I feel like we have been given one more, last chance.  But what has the GOP done with that power thus far?    Not much.  What will they do with it?  God only knows.  My biggest fear is that they will, once again, snatch defeat from the jaws of victory.... which is the one thing the GOPers are good at (excluding a scant few real conservatives, of course).

Put yourself in his shoes.    You expect the left to attack you.  But many on the right refuse to even give him a chance.  If it were me I'd probably tell everyone to go jump in a lake and spend all my time at the golf course.

Oh I do.   I have no problem with Trump attacking the azholes that are attacking him.  It's HOW he's doing it that I take issue with.  He needs to at least 'act' more presidential and more reserved or restrained.  His tweets make him sound like a juvenile lunatic.  But then... I just don't like 'tweeting' as a form of communication.  I would prefer that he not use it as his 'go to' communication tool.  And I would prefer that he not reply to every... single... slight.... as if it mattered.  I remember how asinine Obama was for eight years.   Do we really need another CIC with that kind of thin skin?   I don't think so.

No quarter given to the enemy within...ever.

You can vote your way into socialism, but you have to shoot your way out of it.

Offline XenaLee

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I wouldn't be placing too much hope in that.  A large number of "Republicans" I converse with now believe its the government's job is to provide for the less fortunate with other people's money and government programs.

I don't really think that the voters that kept Hillary out of the White House last November identify 'as' Republicans.  They just voted for that lesser evil, I suspect.  So damned tired of having to do that.  I am not now nor have I ever been a Republican.  But I have only voted Republican until the last election.  Things change.

A large number of former suburban Chicago Democrats have migrated South into the Nashville area in the last five years, and they are voting for the same stupid crap that put them into bankruptcy up there.  They are like locusts, and sadly - the locals are giving into them!

They've migrated into Austin, Houston, Dallas, etc. too.  They already control the large cities in Texas.  They seek to destroy Texas and any other "red state" that stands in their way... much like America's enemies without migrate to the USA in hopes of destroying us from within.  And they're making a helluva lot of progress from what I'm seeing.
« Last Edit: June 29, 2017, 06:05:00 pm by XenaLee »
No quarter given to the enemy within...ever.

You can vote your way into socialism, but you have to shoot your way out of it.

Offline Old Warrior in Exile

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When it comes to Mika...Trump just is reiterating his strong believe by many that anything that bleeds for seven days... and doesn't die, should not be trusted.

Barba non facit philosophum.

Offline XenaLee

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Frank is like a favored per around here as long as he licks the right boot.

What is it, exactly, that you are licking? 
No quarter given to the enemy within...ever.

You can vote your way into socialism, but you have to shoot your way out of it.

Offline ABX

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Not only that.   But negativity rubs off on you.  I was married to an ex-CIA guy that, over the years, became more and more and more negative.  It's a mental disorder that you can 'catch' if you're too close to it for too long.  I have apparently caught it.  But not to the point that I'm not still hopeful for us to recover and survive the leftist assault.

I thank God every day that Hillary isn't in the WH and that the rats aren't in power.  I feel like we have been given one more, last chance.  But what has the GOP done with that power thus far?    Not much.  What will they do with it?  God only knows.  My biggest fear is that they will, once again, snatch defeat from the jaws of victory.... which is the one thing the GOPers are good at (excluding a scant few real conservatives, of course).

Oh I do.   I have no problem with Trump attacking the azholes that are attacking him.  It's HOW he's doing it that I take issue with.  He needs to at least 'act' more presidential and more reserved or restrained.  His tweets make him sound like a juvenile lunatic.  But then... I just don't like 'tweeting' as a form of communication.  I would prefer that he not use it as his 'go to' communication tool.  And I would prefer that he not reply to every... single... slight.... as if it mattered.  I remember how asinine Obama was for eight years.   Do we really need another CIC with that kind of thin skin?   I don't think so.

Remember how Reagan generally handled the assholes?  "Well, there you go again...." he trivialized them and made the appear unimportant to him, barely giving them a thought. He came across as the adult with more important things to deal with than this crap.

Trump is coming across much more like Obama than Reagan,
« Last Edit: June 29, 2017, 06:09:08 pm by AbaraXas »

Offline driftdiver

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  Do we really need another CIC with that kind of thin skin?   I don't think so.

No we don't, but we got one for another 3 years and 6 months at least.  Time to make lemonade
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Offline Smokin Joe

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Actually I've found that being negative is a habit.  I've seen it time after time after time.  No matter what happens some people always see the negative.  Nothing is good enough for them.
Habit, or learned behaviour? Once again, promises were made, once again, they aren't being fulfilled.
The bad habit is on the part of the people who lied, the learned behaviour is on the part of those lied to.

Others choose to look at the positives.  For example Hillary is not our President.  Obama is gone too.
And the last ELE sized asteroid missed the planet. But none of those improve what is, they only are tossed out as sugary treats to remind us how much worse things could have been. Until we get away from the state the country was in in January (and on some fronts there is progress, notably the EPA), there will be little cause for celebration, and even that, due to past performance will be rife with skepticism, carefully scrutinized, and not celebrated until codified and it survives the Liberals in the courts.
   Yes Trump has many flaws.   He's also done some things good, such as the Supreme Court.  He cannot do it by himself and the constant negativity is a cancer among those who should be trying to help push him in a more positive way.
Gorsuch looks like he could be good. that's one vote, but each vote is important.

Put yourself in his shoes.    You expect the left to attack you.  But many on the right refuse to even give him a chance.  If it were me I'd probably tell everyone to go jump in a lake and spend all my time at the golf course.
This ain't beanbag. He knew that when he applied for the job. If he didn't expect flack from the Right, I wouldn't know why, he did enough to earn it. (Didn't need us, didn't want us, recall that?) None on the right have any choice, really, other than to give him a chance (he is POTUS, after all), but that doesn't mean we will be silent and not voice our opinion, good or bad. That goes with the territory.
How God must weep at humans' folly! Stand fast! God knows what he is doing!
Seventeen Techniques for Truth Suppression

Of all tyrannies, a tyranny sincerely exercised for the good of its victims may be the most oppressive. It would be better to live under robber barons than under omnipotent moral busybodies. The robber baron's cruelty may sometimes sleep, his cupidity may at some point be satiated; but those who torment us for our own good will torment us without end for they do so with the approval of their own conscience.

C S Lewis


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What is it, exactly, that you are licking?



Offline Cripplecreek

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Remember how Reagan generally handled the assholes?  "Well, there you go again...." he trivialized them and made the appear unimportant to him, barely giving them a thought. He came across as the adult with more important things to deal with than this crap.

Trump is coming across much more like Obama than Reagan,

Reagan's nomination address was one of the finest speeches in American history and it was about as far from Trump as one can get. It was the perfect tone.

Where Trump stated in his nomination acceptance speech that "I alone can fix it" Reagan had issued a warning many years before.

Offline XenaLee

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Remember how Reagan generally handled the assholes?  "Well, there you go again...." he trivialized them and made the appear unimportant to him, barely giving them a thought. He came across as the adult with more important things to deal with than this crap.

Trump is coming across much more like Obama than Reagan,

Oh I remember the Reagan quotes.   They were brilliant.  He put the idiot left down good and plenty with that one famous one about how the liberals know so much that "isn't so".   That one quote made the Democrats look .... not just stupid... but like the dishonest boobs they really are and always have

Trump needs to stop being reactive to every little snipe and snark.  It's stupid.   He should just ask his detractors what policy of his, specifically, that they disagree with and why.   When they can't or won't answer or respond to that, he needs to make the point that they're just being hyper-partisan .... which is the damned truth.
No quarter given to the enemy within...ever.

You can vote your way into socialism, but you have to shoot your way out of it.