Author Topic: Mexico Joins The Legal Battle Against Anti-Sanctuary City Law  (Read 418 times)

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Alex Pfeiffer
White House Correspondent
12:17 PM 06/27/2017

Mexico filed an affidavit Monday in support of a lawsuit against the implementation of a Texas law to punish sanctuary cities and allow police officers to inquire about the immigration status of someone they have arrested or detained.

The Mexican government said in a statement that the law could increase racial discrimination and create an environment of persecution.

The statement said that the number of calls to the center for information and assistance for Mexicans in Texas in May and June increased 678 percent compared to the year prior. This is reflexive of the uncertainty and “anguish” that the Mexican community in Texas has felt due to the law.

Texas’ Senate Bill 4 punishes local officials that don’t comply with federal immigration detainers. Texas Gov. Greg Abbott, who signed the bill into law in May, said this could lead to sheriffs of sanctuary cities being “in the same jail with the criminals they are trying to protect.”

The law doesn’t mandate that local law enforcement ask about the immigration status of someone they have arrested or detained but just gives them the permission to do so.

The law is currently being sued by cities in Texas. The DOJ filed a statement of interest last week supporting Texas.

Attorney General Jeff Sessions said in a statement: “The Department of Justice fully supports Texas’s effort and is participating in this lawsuit because of the strong federal interest in facilitating the state and local cooperation that is critical in enforcing our nation’s immigration laws.”
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Re: Mexico Joins The Legal Battle Against Anti-Sanctuary City Law
« Reply #1 on: June 28, 2017, 02:01:14 am »
They have no standing whatsoever.
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