Author Topic: NBC Poll: Half of American's Think Coverage of Russia Investigation Is 'Irresponsible'  (Read 230 times)

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Will Racke
3:57 PM 06/23/2017

When it comes to coverage of the ongoing investigation into ties between the Russia and the Trump administration, half of Americans think that the media has irresponsibly blown the story out of proportion, according to a NBC/Wall Street Journal poll released Friday.

In response to a question about the appropriateness of media scrutiny of the “Trump allegations,” 50 percent of all respondents say the coverage has been “overdramatized” or “irresponsible.”

About a third of those polled think the coverage is “proper,” while 12 percent say news outlets have been “too restrained” in their coverage of the Russia controversy.

The results diverge sharply when broken down by party affiliation.

The vast majority of Republicans polled — 89 percent — believe the media coverage is irresponsible, while just 3 percent think the media isn’t covering the issue closely enough. On the Democratic side, 63 percent believe the media has acted responsibly and 16 percent think it has been too restrained. Another 16 percent of Democrats think the Trump-Russia coverage has been overdramatized.

Among political independents, nearly half — 48 percent — say the media’s coverage of the Trump allegations is irresponsible. That is more than double the 20 percent who think the media should be more aggressively covering the issue. Another 27 percent of independents think the media’s treatment of the issue has been just right.

The NBC News/Wall Street Journal poll surveyed 900 adults from June 17 to June 20 and has a margin of error of +/- 3.27 percentage points.

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