Author Topic: New Majestic Document Reveals US Diplomatic Relations with Extraterrestrials  (Read 9035 times)

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Written by Dr Michael Salla on June 16, 2017. Posted in exopolitics research, Featured
A new leaked Majestic-12 document was released on June 14 which describes a variety of extraterrestrial related encounters with humanity. This document includes claims that Nikola Tesla’s pioneering radio broadcasts into outer space in the late 1800’s alerted distant extraterrestrials to humanity’s existence, which led to them traveling to our planet, and later President Eisenhower established full diplomatic relations with these visiting extraterrestrials in 1954.


The 47 page document is currently being reviewed by a number of document authentication researchers, but the preliminary conclusion drawn by veteran researcher Stanton Friedman is that there is no evidence of forgery according to Heather Wade, host of the radio show Midnight in the Desert.

Heather Wade received documents last night from a trusted source. She immediately had Stanton Friedman take a look at these documents who said, “I have never seen anything like this, this is new MJ12 information.” Stanton Friedman is going to continue examining these documents for authenticity, but at this time we can find no evidence of forgery.


Similarly, Dr. Robert Wood, another leading Majestic documents researcher, has also shared his preliminary view in an email that the “Stamps, markings, style, content, names” look genuine.

The documents was sent by an anonymous whistleblower source to Wade who revealed its existence during her June 14 show, along with details about the document’s background. Wade asserts that the whistleblower is known to her and is a reliable source, but she is not going to release the person’s identity.
. . . 
There are four basic types of EBEs so-far confirmed. And they are listed here in descending order of their influences on our planet.

A.    Earth-like humanoids. There are several variations more-or-less like ourselves. The majority of these are friendly and are the bulk of our EBE contacts. Most have a high degree of psychic ability and all use science and engineering of an advanced nature.

B.    Small humanoids or “Grays”. The Grays, so–called for the hue of their skin possessed by most of this type, are a sort of drone. They are not unlike the worker ants or bees…. They are mostly under the psychic control of the Earth-like humanoids who raise them like pets (or a kind of slave). Assuming the Greys are under benign control, they are harmless.

C.    Non-humaoid EBEs. These are in several classes and come from worlds where dominatnt morphology took a different evolutionary course. Many of these are dangerous not for organized hostile intentions, but because such creatures do not hold human life as sacred…. Thus far, contact has been minimal with only a handful of unfortunate encounters.

D.    Transmorphic Entities. Of all the forms of EBE studied so far by Operation  Majestic, these are the most difficult to understand or even to give a description of. Essentially, such entities are not “beings” or “creatures” … exist in some either dimension or plane which is to say not in our space or time. They do not use devices or travel in space…. In essence these entities are composed of pure mind energies. … They are said (by other EBEs) to be capable of taking on any physical form that they “channel” their energy … as matter.
. . .

I'm sure the usual crop of dismissive naysaying debunkers will scream foul for their usual list of reasons.
However, imho,
Stanton Friedman is the world's best expert on the MJ12 documents. He went to exhaustive lengths with the original documents and, IIRC, changed  his perspective after tons of meticulous research.
I am convinced that, like most government documents on the topic, they are rife with disinformation and deception.
The critters are again depicted, in this document, as largely benign, harmless etc.
Not all government documents depict them so--but it is interesting that this one does.
This document does have an interesting listing of 4 types of critters.
Some government sources talk about 70 different types. There are different numbers of types given by different sources at different times.
Most highly placed sources do affirm that there are:
1. Humanoids--e.g. the "Nordics" that are varying degrees indistinguishable from normal humans.
2. Reptoids--of various types--from crocodile to a modified T-Res-headed sort of upright bi-pedal reptoid.
3. Insectoids--one of the more common mentioned is the "praying mantis" type e.g. depicted in CLOSE ENCOUNTERS OF THE THIRD KIND.
4. Greys--of various types. Most folks are not aware that greys come in various sizes, slightly different head shapes etc.
Some folks are derisive about the whole idea of mankind interacting officially with such critters--as though it is a totally farcical sci-fi fantasy cooked up by delusional tin-foil hats. The government's decades long strategy of ridicule has been exceedingly effective. Generations of folks have been convinced--and some hereon still are--that such ideas are false and ridiculous.
However the documentation is extremely extensive. The number of even top level whistle-blowers numbers in the 100's. Dr Greer's DISCLOSURE PROJECT with the DC Press Club included many of them.
William Thompkins' disclosures in his autobiography are not fitting to be dismissed lightly, by any fair-minded, well-informed person. Dr Michael Sala--the author of this article--researched many of William Thompkins' assertions and documents in Thompkins autobiography about his work for decades in such black projects. IIRC, EVERY ONE of the documents or points of fact that Dr Sala  was able to research proved out absolutely accurate and true.
It is not too far-fetched to believe that the bulk of Thompkins other assertions in his book are also largely true.
However, old constructions on reality die hard. They will only be pryed from the rigidified brains of some staunch disbelievers when the reptoids begin slicing them up for their Bar-B-Q (slight, partial joke).
Until then, the lemmings, Eloi, sheeple will continue to shuffle down the propagandized path the oligarchy owned media has carefully constructed for them at least since 1915 & 1917. And the Morlachs are definitely waiting in their caverns at the end of said path--whether the government is willing to acknowledge that, or not.


 @Cyber Liberty

 @Ghost Bear
 @Liberty Tree Dr
 @Mom MD
 @Smokin Joe
 @Texas Yellow Rose
= = = =
Others who commented--some quite derisively--on another thread about such  stuff:
@Weird Tolkienish Figure
« Last Edit: June 27, 2017, 11:34:47 am by Quix »
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Online bigheadfred

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I think what it comes down to are three things.

1. Some people are limited in their intelligence and can't wrap their minds around it.

2. It causes others fear at a deep level--they can't handle the truth.

3. They are powerless against it so they dismiss it.

Tesla's, and others, pioneering work, may have alerted some to our existence, but others have been around for a long time. Some may be somewhat benign, and I am going to read into this,  Many of these are dangerous not for organized hostile intentions, but some are organized with hostile intentions. Those have been around , again, for a long time, and their bad intentions have beeen at the root of a lot of evil in this world. Those plans are coming to a culmination. Or being forced to some type of climax. Perhaps by the Second Coming.
She asked me name my foe then. I said the need within some men to fight and kill their brothers without thought of Love or God. Ken Hensley


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"President Eisenhower established full diplomatic relations with these visiting extraterrestrials in 1954."

Bob worked in the Pentagon, Intelligence Division, knowing the highest secrets of the country during the period of President Eisenhower's presidency.  He was sworn to secrecy for 20 years after he left there.  That 20 years is over, so when you see Bob, ask him about extraterrestrials and Eisenhower.   

Offline rodamala

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Offline Smokin Joe

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  • I was a "conspiracy theorist". Now I'm just right.
Those basic classes pretty much cover all the different accounts of critters from elsewhere people have claimed to see. I'm a 'Doubting Thomas' in many regards, but will not dismiss out of hand the idea that there may be other types of intelligent critter in the universe, nor that some of them may have happened to show up here.

I will note there is abundant reason to defraud, on both sides of the issue, both by those who claim what may not be, and by those who may deny what may be, if that makes sense.

As much of the evidence depends on the word of people who could gain from perpetrating a hoax, it is difficult to give that much weight. (I'm not saying anyone is a liar, just that considerable incentive exists.)

OTOH, humans might not respond well to the known presence of others who are capable of performing feats of technology or otherwise which they do not comprehend, and that would be a good excuse to gradually rework the race and its mental processes through evolving technology and ideas which would make the disclosure of such information or relationships go more smoothly, so secrecy would be important to that transition.

I'm not committing one way or the other, just checking things out.

There are more things in Heaven and Earth than are dreamed of in my philosophy, to paraphrase Hamlet.
« Last Edit: June 24, 2017, 02:07:28 pm by Smokin Joe »
How God must weep at humans' folly! Stand fast! God knows what he is doing!
Seventeen Techniques for Truth Suppression

Of all tyrannies, a tyranny sincerely exercised for the good of its victims may be the most oppressive. It would be better to live under robber barons than under omnipotent moral busybodies. The robber baron's cruelty may sometimes sleep, his cupidity may at some point be satiated; but those who torment us for our own good will torment us without end for they do so with the approval of their own conscience.

C S Lewis

Online bigheadfred

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I don't know if you are aware, or have any interest, in the race of giants that was in existence and may still have remnants remaining? The combined efforts of the intelligentsia and academia to hide and obscure that is pretty interesting.

This is a pretty interesting story. While it isn't about giants, it is about the machinations that drive the forcing of everyone into the tight little box of Darwinism and the "established" paradigm regarding man's origins.

Now to the subject of UFOs and aliens. Combine rock art, petroglyphs, oral traditions, written texts, ancient--including scripture and more modern documents, eyewitness accounts, especially from highly trained professionals and government officials who are in the know, some trace physical evidence, video and photographs, and the blatant efforts to hide, mislead, and obscure all of that, including for gain professionally done hoaxes, a reasonable person (Me) can only conclude there is something there more than a maybe. It is there.
She asked me name my foe then. I said the need within some men to fight and kill their brothers without thought of Love or God. Ken Hensley

Offline RoosGirl

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I know others have brought this up, but I find it very hard to believe that any single government would be capable of covering up such a large "happening", much less several or many governments.  It's much easier to believe that such beings can exist than any gov't is capable of covering up their existence for as long as they supposedly have.

Online bigheadfred

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I know others have brought this up, but I find it very hard to believe that any single government would be capable of covering up such a large "happening", much less several or many governments.  It's much easier to believe that such beings can exist than any gov't is capable of covering up their existence for as long as they supposedly have.

They can't cover up their existence. They can cover up the amount of interaction those ET's have. They do it in every other aspect. It is far easier for me to believe they are hiding the truth considering their long and storied use of lies, propaganda and misinformation including the redaction of documents, if you can get them, FOIA, or not.

One of the easiest methods used by the government is to throw the label of "lunatic fringe" on people. Another is the all-including and amorphous classification of "national security". Whether the subject is UFOs/ETs or something else.

I am going to go with someone who has studied this, like @Quix, than any government line, every time.
She asked me name my foe then. I said the need within some men to fight and kill their brothers without thought of Love or God. Ken Hensley

Offline Smokin Joe

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I don't know if you are aware, or have any interest, in the race of giants that was in existence and may still have remnants remaining? The combined efforts of the intelligentsia and academia to hide and obscure that is pretty interesting.

This is a pretty interesting story. While it isn't about giants, it is about the machinations that drive the forcing of everyone into the tight little box of Darwinism and the "established" paradigm regarding man's origins.

Now to the subject of UFOs and aliens. Combine rock art, petroglyphs, oral traditions, written texts, ancient--including scripture and more modern documents, eyewitness accounts, especially from highly trained professionals and government officials who are in the know, some trace physical evidence, video and photographs, and the blatant efforts to hide, mislead, and obscure all of that, including for gain professionally done hoaxes, a reasonable person (Me) can only conclude there is something there more than a maybe. It is there.
Funny thing about Giants, Fred, they are even mentioned in the Bible. There are other mentions of fiery chariots that are either mention of craft traveling through atmosphere or a metaphor. I don't believe Jesus was an astronaut, though.

The problem with rock art and petroglyphs is that we interpret those to mean something they may not. That spiffy headdress may look like a space helmet, but is it? A suit made for diving would look much the same. Masks and costumes figured heavily in many Native Cultures, and southwestern art, from Kachinas to petroglyphs, may be representations of deities which are the product more of the mind warps of peyote or other hallucinogenics than warp drives.

That tight box of Darwinism has made many messes, including race and regional relations, and has been used as an excuse for everything from slavery to genocide, and doubtless caused the destruction or suppression of a great deal of archaeological material that didn't fit. How long was the concept of pre-clovis culture suppressed? Yet the evidence was there, nonetheless. and it took generations of Archaeologists who had staked their reputations on it fading from view before the general acceptance of digging a little deeper and finding more came to be. Similarly, the idea that other cultures had antedated the Spaniards visit to the Americas was squelched, even though there were people waiting on the beach when they got here.

I had an Archaeology/Anthropology Professor who said he believed humans had been in the Americas since at least 32,000BC, and possibly earlier. Consider the possibility of cities of an interglacial period wiped out and bulldozed by the next ice event, buried under tens of feet of Loess and Glacial outwash, and removed from the landscape. That might explain the more advanced seeming equatorial civilizations in re architecture, agriculture, writing and science, as the more polar equivalents had been destroyed.

All I know is that we don't know.

We presume, based on Mr. Darwin's linearity, that we are the most advanced here following his progression from primitive to advanced, yet with a moment of cataclysm, a deadly plague, and a couple of centuries of sifting the ashes, would we be? What would remain in a thousand years? Not so much as we seem to expect from others far more distant, temporally, from the present day. If Carter or Schliemann had found the well aged remnants of a transistor radio,would they even have recognized them as an artifact? Or would the Darwinists out there have found a rubbish bin to conveniently dispose of the bits that didn't fit. We still don't 'get' the astrolabe, so surely something was going on beyond us, however limited in scope it was.

There may well have been visitors, and some level of interaction. Maybe the old bit about 'take me to your leader' has a basis in more than popular fiction and Buggs Bunny cartoons, after all. I will not pretend to know, but will risk slicing myself badly on Occam's Razor and say that perhaps we humans were at one time even more advanced than we care to believe.

Speculation is fun, either way. Someday we will know.
« Last Edit: June 24, 2017, 03:31:53 pm by Smokin Joe »
How God must weep at humans' folly! Stand fast! God knows what he is doing!
Seventeen Techniques for Truth Suppression

Of all tyrannies, a tyranny sincerely exercised for the good of its victims may be the most oppressive. It would be better to live under robber barons than under omnipotent moral busybodies. The robber baron's cruelty may sometimes sleep, his cupidity may at some point be satiated; but those who torment us for our own good will torment us without end for they do so with the approval of their own conscience.

C S Lewis

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"President Eisenhower established full diplomatic relations with these visiting extraterrestrials in 1954."

Bob worked in the Pentagon, Intelligence Division, knowing the highest secrets of the country during the period of President Eisenhower's presidency.  He was sworn to secrecy for 20 years after he left there.  That 20 years is over, so when you see Bob, ask him about extraterrestrials and Eisenhower.   

Will plan to do that.

Until then . . . LOL . . . Ike's granddaughter has had a fair amount to say about such things.
Forgive all; In all things Thank God; Love all. Love 1st, most & always... BE CALM & DO THE NEXT LOVING THING.
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I think what it comes down to are three things.

1. Some people are limited in their intelligence and can't wrap their minds around it.

2. It causes others fear at a deep level--they can't handle the truth.

3. They are powerless against it so they dismiss it.

Tesla's, and others, pioneering work, may have alerted some to our existence, but others have been around for a long time. Some may be somewhat benign, and I am going to read into this,  Many of these are dangerous not for organized hostile intentions, but some are organized with hostile intentions. Those have been around , again, for a long time, and their bad intentions have beeen at the root of a lot of evil in this world. Those plans are coming to a culmination. Or being forced to some type of climax. Perhaps by the Second Coming.

Great points.

One of the  concerns I have about the . . . somewhat shocking fact that so many still seem quite incredulous about such realities . . . is that we  have reached the point when it is overdue to begin discussing the THEREFORE-WHAT'S and prepping for the more overt and devastating implications.

The time for quibbling about their existence,  or not, is well past, imho. The better informed and thoughtful realized that was a settled issue a very long time ago.
Forgive all; In all things Thank God; Love all. Love 1st, most & always... BE CALM & DO THE NEXT LOVING THING.
QUIX thread for Quix GLOBALISM, UFO ETC topics here: WILLIAM TOMPKINS Disclosure bk thread:,224639.0.html . Calling: To afflict the comfortable & comfort the afflicted[/

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I think the 'transmorphic' critters are one of the more brazen analogs to the fallen angels construct. Time will tell. They are certainly one of the more interesting variations.
Forgive all; In all things Thank God; Love all. Love 1st, most & always... BE CALM & DO THE NEXT LOVING THING.
QUIX thread for Quix GLOBALISM, UFO ETC topics here: WILLIAM TOMPKINS Disclosure bk thread:,224639.0.html . Calling: To afflict the comfortable & comfort the afflicted[/

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Those basic classes pretty much cover all the different accounts of critters from elsewhere people have claimed to see. I'm a 'Doubting Thomas' in many regards, but will not dismiss out of hand the idea that there may be other types of intelligent critter in the universe, nor that some of them may have happened to show up here.

I will note there is abundant reason to defraud, on both sides of the issue, both by those who claim what may not be, and by those who may deny what may be, if that makes sense.

As much of the evidence depends on the word of people who could gain from perpetrating a hoax, it is difficult to give that much weight. (I'm not saying anyone is a liar, just that considerable incentive exists.)

OTOH, humans might not respond well to the known presence of others who are capable of performing feats of technology or otherwise which they do not comprehend, and that would be a good excuse to gradually rework the race and its mental processes through evolving technology and ideas which would make the disclosure of such information or relationships go more smoothly, so secrecy would be important to that transition.

I'm not committing one way or the other, just checking things out.

There are more things in Heaven and Earth than are dreamed of in my philosophy, to paraphrase Hamlet.

Reasonable concerns . . . particularly at a point in the recent past.

imho, the mountains of evidence have overwhelmed a lot of those issues.
Forgive all; In all things Thank God; Love all. Love 1st, most & always... BE CALM & DO THE NEXT LOVING THING.
QUIX thread for Quix GLOBALISM, UFO ETC topics here: WILLIAM TOMPKINS Disclosure bk thread:,224639.0.html . Calling: To afflict the comfortable & comfort the afflicted[/

Offline Quix

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Those basic classes pretty much cover all the different accounts of critters from elsewhere people have claimed to see. I'm a 'Doubting Thomas' in many regards, but will not dismiss out of hand the idea that there may be other types of intelligent critter in the universe, nor that some of them may have happened to show up here.

I will note there is abundant reason to defraud, on both sides of the issue, both by those who claim what may not be, and by those who may deny what may be, if that makes sense.

As much of the evidence depends on the word of people who could gain from perpetrating a hoax, it is difficult to give that much weight. (I'm not saying anyone is a liar, just that considerable incentive exists.)

OTOH, humans might not respond well to the known presence of others who are capable of performing feats of technology or otherwise which they do not comprehend, and that would be a good excuse to gradually rework the race and its mental processes through evolving technology and ideas which would make the disclosure of such information or relationships go more smoothly, so secrecy would be important to that transition.

I'm not committing one way or the other, just checking things out.

There are more things in Heaven and Earth than are dreamed of in my philosophy, to paraphrase Hamlet.

I didn't want to get into the giants stuff for decades.

Then I investigated it more. There's plenty of evidence there for a very sobering conclusion.
Forgive all; In all things Thank God; Love all. Love 1st, most & always... BE CALM & DO THE NEXT LOVING THING.
QUIX thread for Quix GLOBALISM, UFO ETC topics here: WILLIAM TOMPKINS Disclosure bk thread:,224639.0.html . Calling: To afflict the comfortable & comfort the afflicted[/

Online bigheadfred

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Masks and costumes figured heavily in many Native Cultures, and southwestern art, from Kachinas to petroglyphs, may be representations of deities which are the product more of the mind warps of peyote or other hallucinogenics than warp drives.

All I can go on there is personal experience. I'm not saying it can't happen, but I've never had mind warps that involved deities as a product from the use of psychedelics/hallucinogens.

I tend to believe they are more anthropomorphized depictions of real world events.

There is scientific data coming in to prove a comet strike or series of comet/asteroid strikes that caused the Younger/Dryas. Impacts in the North American ice sheet some 12,000 years ago. Initiating their rapid meltdown and a world flood. Destroying much of any civilization worldwide, at that time.

One of the roadblocks in defining advanced civilization is viewing it through current technological development.

There is some interesting information out there from Randall Carson (he may pique your interest) and Graham Hancock. Although Hancock is pretty much off on a DMT kick nowadays.

She asked me name my foe then. I said the need within some men to fight and kill their brothers without thought of Love or God. Ken Hensley

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I know others have brought this up, but I find it very hard to believe that any single government would be capable of covering up such a large "happening", much less several or many governments.  It's much easier to believe that such beings can exist than any gov't is capable of covering up their existence for as long as they supposedly have.
Let's look at that for a second, especially after the signature of the first atomic weapons was sent (incidentally) into space. That defines a level of scientific development beyond the ordinary (what we know as Newtonian) phyaics, and possible a civilization on its way to either the stars or self-destruction (or even both).

If I happened to be a sentient species on a distant planet, noting the 'disturbance in the force', if you will, having the ability to travel galactic distances, and thus the ability to discern planets capable of producing and even containing life, that would narrow down the search area, and who to check on ever few hundred or thousand Earth years. However, once the transition had been made form what we know as Newtonian physics to Einsteinian physics, the interest level would go up. Earth orbit capability and programs as 'primitive' as the V-2 would signal an interest in exploring off planet, so the interest level would go up considerable.

An old medical book I got from the late 40s fully anticipated nuclear war. Oddly enough, there was an entire section pasted into the back as an appendix dealing with that topic. It didn't happen. Humans are still warlike critters, the Nuclear Winter hadn't been proposed, there was still plenty to fight over, and another generation coming of age, yer we confined out hostilities to snoop and poop operations, threats, and proxy wars, with the occasional saber rattling of an impressive 'test'.
About the same time though, we started seeing things in the skies, perhaps out of piqued interest, but in increasing numbers, apparently interested in our use of atomics, our military capabilities, bovine anatomy, and eventually, the 'probe'. If those were not a hoax, we were indeed being studied...
Our transmissions, plenty enough would be monitored, translated, in an effort to understand our culture and motivation, and our leaders would be figured out in short order. It would be little enough to drop in at Camp David or any other remote location which was under guard, and interact with the people there. As a leader, I know I would want to meet with the visitor to discern as much as I could about them and their culture and their motives, and perhaps, just perhaps, obtain some sort of unfair advantage for my country, my 'tribe'.
As would the leader of any other country with major capabilities.
Nor would I want those meetings made known. Not to my people who might have a serious misunderstanding about the nature of those communications, nor would I want my enemies to know, because there is a good chance they would want to do all in their power to devastate my country before I could capitalize on any advantage I might be able to gain.

I am a firm believer in American exceptionalism, mind you, because I believe we have (had, anyway) a system of government that nurtures innovation, that rewards performance, that incentivizes the idea of developing the next gee whiz gadget and being the leader in all we do. We are a highly competitive race, after all. As were our main competitors, though their governmental form limited the ability to capitalize on that desire to compete, sometimes to hairy chested lady shotputters, or to stolen plans for the last innovation or copying things, but they, too, had firsts we cannot ignore, from sputnik to the mig 15.

Just perhaps, a few bits here and there were let out to see what either of us would do with them, with the promise of more little breakthroughs in exchange for not destroying each other, and for generally making the use of such gadgets as the one on which I am typing this commonplace. Even this relatively primitive box would have been a huge advance over the computers my father worked on when I was a child.
It would have been beyond 'gee whiz'. A cell phone would have prompted reverse engineering programs that might have taken decades to ferret out the workings and not only replicate them, but adapt our culture from the party line dial phones of my youth to the idea of having more computing power in your pocket than I have even on this computer (less storage, but more processor), and a screen with resolution to fit this missive on a postage stamp.

Did we do this by ourselves? I'd like to think so. But there is that alternate explanation, that we had help at some level. Would the governments keep it secret? Would it get out of the gulag? Would Americans believe it? Between national security and ridicule and the threat of professional destruction, most folks would indeed keep quiet and the remainder could be marginalized. The governments would keep the secret from their people as long as they could, and certainly from other governments for as long as possible.

And if the secret hadn't been kept, those who spoke up are questioned, because we wouldn't think the secret could have been kept, when, if there is a secret to keep, it hasn't been. Suppose, for a second, that all those 'top secret leaked reports' were true. What if it had been released and no one believed?
How God must weep at humans' folly! Stand fast! God knows what he is doing!
Seventeen Techniques for Truth Suppression

Of all tyrannies, a tyranny sincerely exercised for the good of its victims may be the most oppressive. It would be better to live under robber barons than under omnipotent moral busybodies. The robber baron's cruelty may sometimes sleep, his cupidity may at some point be satiated; but those who torment us for our own good will torment us without end for they do so with the approval of their own conscience.

C S Lewis

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I know others have brought this up, but I find it very hard to believe that any single government would be capable of covering up such a large "happening", much less several or many governments.  It's much easier to believe that such beings can exist than any gov't is capable of covering up their existence for as long as they supposedly have.

Hard to believe, or not, it's plenty true as Stanton Friedman has documented.

However, it somewhat depends on definitions.

Some things a collection off allies have kept totally off the public radar for decades. . . . though that's not the case with the UFO stuff.

Plenty HAS leaked out. There's merely been the RIDICULE strategy coupled with the killing folks and stealing evidence that has relegated the perceptive noticing how high the pile of evidence was--has relegated them to a minority--though that minority has now become the majority who believe in such things. Some surveys indicate 80%.
Forgive all; In all things Thank God; Love all. Love 1st, most & always... BE CALM & DO THE NEXT LOVING THING.
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Offline Smokin Joe

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Masks and costumes figured heavily in many Native Cultures, and southwestern art, from Kachinas to petroglyphs, may be representations of deities which are the product more of the mind warps of peyote or other hallucinogenics than warp drives.

All I can go on there is personal experience. I'm not saying it can't happen, but I've never had mind warps that involved deities as a product from the use of psychedelics/hallucinogens.

I tend to believe they are more anthropomorphized depictions of real world events.

There is scientific data coming in to prove a comet strike or series of comet/asteroid strikes that caused the Younger/Dryas. Impacts in the North American ice sheet some 12,000 years ago. Initiating their rapid meltdown and a world flood. Destroying much of any civilization worldwide, at that time.

One of the roadblocks in defining advanced civilization is viewing it through current technological development.

There is some interesting information out there from Randall Carson (he may pique your interest) and Graham Hancock. Although Hancock is pretty much off on a DMT kick nowadays.
True enough about discerning civilization through our own cultural filters.
Catastrophism got lost somewhere in the Darwin model and uniformitarianism. While, between catastrophic events like the Toba Eruption and the Younger Dryas events things may have proceeded more ordinarily, events form the Black Plague to simple hostility and crop failures all have made major power shifts in civilizations.
Those which seemed to best retain technology (as evidenced by surviving architecture) were equatorial and less likely to suffer the catastrophic adverse effects of recurrent ice events or of flooding in coastal areas. Although the civilizations closer to the poles and sea level would be far more susceptible to such events, the higher altitude civilizations would feel the pinch as well. Perhaps that is why human sacrifice became something more prevalent in South/Central Americna populaitons, in order to trim the population that some might survive, and carried on out of habit or ingrained practice, although the behaviour was not limited to the Americas. The Anasazi may well have had to move or die because of such an event. (puts all this quibbling about CO2 levels in perspective, doesn't it? )

The bottom line is that we don't know what we don't know. I spent a summer digging on an archaeological crew, and realized that the recognition of artifacts as artifacts was largely dependent on what the person doing the digging had seen. I found broken unfired pottery fragments  in one site, and only knew it for what it was because I recognized the grit tempering it was in the middle and the outside and inside surfaces had been smoothed. Had I not known that for what it was it would have ended up in the back dirt.

It would be fun to try to figure out where those impacts occurred and go hunting meteorites, though...the 'splatter' seems to have created the Carolina Bays, so it must have been a pretty intense hit, which would imply a lot of odd bits of rock laying about somewhere in Canada.
How God must weep at humans' folly! Stand fast! God knows what he is doing!
Seventeen Techniques for Truth Suppression

Of all tyrannies, a tyranny sincerely exercised for the good of its victims may be the most oppressive. It would be better to live under robber barons than under omnipotent moral busybodies. The robber baron's cruelty may sometimes sleep, his cupidity may at some point be satiated; but those who torment us for our own good will torment us without end for they do so with the approval of their own conscience.

C S Lewis

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INDEED.  Hiding in  plain sight and plausible deniability along with ridicule have been  massively effective to 'control the narrative' and the popular gestalt of what 'reality' is about.

Then, there's William Casey's comment to Reagan . . . "We'll  know our (CIA's) work  is done when everything the American public believes is false."

Let's look at that for a second, especially after the signature of the first atomic weapons was sent (incidentally) into space. That defines a level of scientific development beyond the ordinary (what we know as Newtonian) phyaics, and possible a civilization on its way to either the stars or self-destruction (or even both).

If I happened to be a sentient species on a distant planet, noting the 'disturbance in the force', if you will, having the ability to travel galactic distances, and thus the ability to discern planets capable of producing and even containing life, that would narrow down the search area, and who to check on ever few hundred or thousand Earth years. However, once the transition had been made form what we know as Newtonian physics to Einsteinian physics, the interest level would go up. Earth orbit capability and programs as 'primitive' as the V-2 would signal an interest in exploring off planet, so the interest level would go up considerable.

An old medical book I got from the late 40s fully anticipated nuclear war. Oddly enough, there was an entire section pasted into the back as an appendix dealing with that topic. It didn't happen. Humans are still warlike critters, the Nuclear Winter hadn't been proposed, there was still plenty to fight over, and another generation coming of age, yer we confined out hostilities to snoop and poop operations, threats, and proxy wars, with the occasional saber rattling of an impressive 'test'.
About the same time though, we started seeing things in the skies, perhaps out of piqued interest, but in increasing numbers, apparently interested in our use of atomics, our military capabilities, bovine anatomy, and eventually, the 'probe'. If those were not a hoax, we were indeed being studied...
Our transmissions, plenty enough would be monitored, translated, in an effort to understand our culture and motivation, and our leaders would be figured out in short order. It would be little enough to drop in at Camp David or any other remote location which was under guard, and interact with the people there. As a leader, I know I would want to meet with the visitor to discern as much as I could about them and their culture and their motives, and perhaps, just perhaps, obtain some sort of unfair advantage for my country, my 'tribe'.
As would the leader of any other country with major capabilities.
Nor would I want those meetings made known. Not to my people who might have a serious misunderstanding about the nature of those communications, nor would I want my enemies to know, because there is a good chance they would want to do all in their power to devastate my country before I could capitalize on any advantage I might be able to gain.

I am a firm believer in American exceptionalism, mind you, because I believe we have (had, anyway) a system of government that nurtures innovation, that rewards performance, that incentivizes the idea of developing the next gee whiz gadget and being the leader in all we do. We are a highly competitive race, after all. As were our main competitors, though their governmental form limited the ability to capitalize on that desire to compete, sometimes to hairy chested lady shotputters, or to stolen plans for the last innovation or copying things, but they, too, had firsts we cannot ignore, from sputnik to the mig 15.

Just perhaps, a few bits here and there were let out to see what either of us would do with them, with the promise of more little breakthroughs in exchange for not destroying each other, and for generally making the use of such gadgets as the one on which I am typing this commonplace. Even this relatively primitive box would have been a huge advance over the computers my father worked on when I was a child.
It would have been beyond 'gee whiz'. A cell phone would have prompted reverse engineering programs that might have taken decades to ferret out the workings and not only replicate them, but adapt our culture from the party line dial phones of my youth to the idea of having more computing power in your pocket than I have even on this computer (less storage, but more processor), and a screen with resolution to fit this missive on a postage stamp.

Did we do this by ourselves? I'd like to think so. But there is that alternate explanation, that we had help at some level. Would the governments keep it secret? Would it get out of the gulag? Would Americans believe it? Between national security and ridicule and the threat of professional destruction, most folks would indeed keep quiet and the remainder could be marginalized. The governments would keep the secret from their people as long as they could, and certainly from other governments for as long as possible.

And if the secret hadn't been kept, those who spoke up are questioned, because we wouldn't think the secret could have been kept, when, if there is a secret to keep, it hasn't been. Suppose, for a second, that all those 'top secret leaked reports' were true. What if it had been released and no one believed?
Forgive all; In all things Thank God; Love all. Love 1st, most & always... BE CALM & DO THE NEXT LOVING THING.
QUIX thread for Quix GLOBALISM, UFO ETC topics here: WILLIAM TOMPKINS Disclosure bk thread:,224639.0.html . Calling: To afflict the comfortable & comfort the afflicted[/

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I expect to be back after lunch with a men's group brother.

Forgive all; In all things Thank God; Love all. Love 1st, most & always... BE CALM & DO THE NEXT LOVING THING.
QUIX thread for Quix GLOBALISM, UFO ETC topics here: WILLIAM TOMPKINS Disclosure bk thread:,224639.0.html . Calling: To afflict the comfortable & comfort the afflicted[/

Offline Smokin Joe

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I expect to be back after lunch with a men's group brother.

And to you! Enjoy!
How God must weep at humans' folly! Stand fast! God knows what he is doing!
Seventeen Techniques for Truth Suppression

Of all tyrannies, a tyranny sincerely exercised for the good of its victims may be the most oppressive. It would be better to live under robber barons than under omnipotent moral busybodies. The robber baron's cruelty may sometimes sleep, his cupidity may at some point be satiated; but those who torment us for our own good will torment us without end for they do so with the approval of their own conscience.

C S Lewis

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@Smokin Joe

Randall Carlson--Not Randall Carson.

She asked me name my foe then. I said the need within some men to fight and kill their brothers without thought of Love or God. Ken Hensley

Offline Smokin Joe

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@Smokin Joe

Randall Carlson--Not Randall Carson.
Thanks, Fred, I'll check into it!

It looks interesting, frankly. I'm leery of what seem like almost cultish aspects, but I will check further and see what evidence he has.
« Last Edit: June 24, 2017, 04:52:41 pm by Smokin Joe »
How God must weep at humans' folly! Stand fast! God knows what he is doing!
Seventeen Techniques for Truth Suppression

Of all tyrannies, a tyranny sincerely exercised for the good of its victims may be the most oppressive. It would be better to live under robber barons than under omnipotent moral busybodies. The robber baron's cruelty may sometimes sleep, his cupidity may at some point be satiated; but those who torment us for our own good will torment us without end for they do so with the approval of their own conscience.

C S Lewis