Author Topic: The Fall and Rise of Nuclear Power  (Read 2214 times)

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Offline thackney

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The Fall and Rise of Nuclear Power
« on: June 21, 2017, 03:00:08 pm »
The Fall and Rise of Nuclear Power
June 19, 2017

...Russia is building nuclear power plants on its own territory. This reduces internal consumption of natural gas, which Russia exports by pipeline to Europe. This provides Russia with money and the threat potential to turn off the gas, as happened with Ukraine. The proffered strategy to supplant Russian power by shipping US liquified natural gas to Europe won’t work. Liquifying and shipping cheap Texas methane far exceeds the cost of gas delivered by existing Russian pipelines. Russia’s Rosatom claims $300 billion dollars of signed contracts to export its VVER light-water-cooled nuclear power plants, achieving a 60% market share. Russia often offers to lend construction money or to build, own and operate the power plants, gaining more influence over developing nations.

China already operates 36 nuclear power reactors, with 21 more under construction. With no US nuclear power plants under construction in 1999, Westinghouse was sold to British Nuclear Fuels, then to Toshiba. In 2007 Westinghouse agreed with China to build four new-design AP1000 nuclear power plants, the first of which will now operate in 2017. China also purchased technology rights to build and export larger versions; China’s new CAP1400 has already completed pressure vessel testing. China is already bidding to build foreign nuclear power plants.

South Korea’s KEPCO has built and operates 25 nuclear power plants in South Korea, generating up to 23 GW of power, supplying a third of the country’s electricity. KEPCO has completed the first of four 1400 GW nuclear power plants they are building in the United Arab Emirates.

The Fall

Though the US once led the world in nuclear power technology, from naval ship engines to commercial power plants, these examples illustrate the fall of US nuclear power industry.

Uranium. The US imports 85% of its uranium from Russia, Canada, Australia, Kazakhstan, and Namibia, though substantial uranium resources exist within the US. For two decades half of US power plant uranium fuel was provided by Russia, which diluted its highly enriched, weapons-grade uranium in a mutual agreement to reduce stockpiles.

Uranium Enrichment. Nuclear power plants require uranium fuel enriched from natural 0.7% density of the U-235 isotope to around 6%. Today the single US enrichment plant, owned by a Netherlands company, can satisfy a third of current US needs.

Heavy Water. Deuterium dioxide, D2O, is similar to H2O except each hydrogen nucleus is twice as massive, able to slow neutrons more effectively than ordinary water. D2O is used in research and plutonium production reactors. The US has not had a heavy water production capability since 1996, importing it recently from Iran.

Spacecraft Power. Plutonium-238 produced in nuclear reactors decays steadily, producing heat to power radioisotope thermoelectric generators that power NASA’s space vehicles, some for decades. The US is hardly producing any Pu-238, curtailing NASA’s space exploration.

Spent Fuel. The US has not fulfilled its commitment to take care of power companies’ spent fuel. There are many places to store spent fuel besides Yucca Mountain. Deep boreholes would be safe and economic, but the US DOE backs away from testing at the slightest opposition. NRC has stated that dry cask storage is safe for 100 years or indefinitely.

Mixed Oxide Fuel (MOX). Reducing the threat of nuclear war, the US and Russia each agreed to destroy 34 tons of weapons-grade Pu-239. The US Savannah River MOX plant is supposed to mix Pu-239 and uranium oxides to make solid fuel to be burned in the country’s existing power plants. Areva uses MOX technology successfully in France. The US MOX project overran its initial $5 billion funding by $12 billion, so President Obama moved to end the program, despite the agreement with Russia. The program future is not clear. Meanwhile Russia has just started up its new BN-1200 fast neutron reactor, which will consume Russia’s excess plutonium.

Sodium Cooled Fast Reactor. A SCFR was the first US electric power plant, EBR-I, designed to use plentiful U-238 fuel at a time when U-235 was thought to be in short supply. Fast neutrons convert U-238 to fissile Pu-239 within the reactor. EBR-II was the prototype for the Integral Fast Reactor project of Argonne National Labs, terminated in 1994, three years before completion. SCFR technology is in the GE S-Prism reactor design and in Bill Gates’s Terrapower Traveling Wave Reactor design. Unable to foresee a path to regulatory permission in the US, Terrapower has made agreements with China to build and test the TWR power plant there. GE and Advanced Reactor Concepts are asking Canada for SCRF construction permissions. Russia’s new BN-1200 is an SCFR, one of three there.

Toshiba/Westinghouse AP1000. Many parties share blame for the Westinghouse AP1000 cost overruns. The selected contractor was inexperienced. The NRC changed the aircraft impact rule after the design was approved, adding a 2.5 year delay, even though “compliance with the rule is not needed for adequate protection to public health and safety or common defense and security.” Because of the Westinghouse bankruptcy and Toshiba finances, it’s not now known if the 4 US AP1000 nuclear power plants under construction will be completed.

High Temperature Gas Reactor. Fourth generation nuclear technologies such as the high temperature gas reactor and molten salt reactor are recognized as safer and better than existing water-cooled reactors. HTGR fuel is half-millimeter grains of uranium oxide, encased in three ceramic layers, permanently containing radioactive fission products even in accidents. Helium transfers the high temperature heat of fission to steam to power generators. The US built two pioneering HTGRs, closed in 1974 and 1989. China’s Tsinghua University built a small, pebble bed HTGR based on Germany’s experiences, and China is now loading fuel into a commercial version. The US DOE created the Next Generation Nuclear Plant project. Working later with the cost-sharing NGNP Alliance a French Areva design was selected over the US General Atomics or Westinghouse designs. Little has progressed since. Veterans of South Africa’s cancelled pebble bed HTGR project have founded X-energy in the US.

Molten Salt Reactor. MSR fuel may be melted fluoride salts of beryllium, sodium, uranium, and thorium. Fission takes place as the liquid is pumped through channels in graphite blocks, then through heat exchangers making steam to power a turbine-generator. Hazardous radioactive fission products such as cesium-137 would remain in the low-pressure salt in any accident. The US Oak Ridge National Laboratory built two working MSRs, but the project was terminated in the 1970s. Such walk-away-safe liquid fission power plants promise to generate electric power cheaper than coal-fired plants. US ventures ThorCon, Terrapower, Flibe Energy, and Transatomic Power are designing MSRs. China has hundreds of engineers designing an MSR.

Nuclear Regulation. Unit costs for US nuclear power plants tripled after the 1970 Three Mile Island accident, while South Korea’s successful KEPCO now builds them for a third of US costs. Obtaining an NRC license to build a conventional water-cooled power plant costs $100-200 million. NRC licensing hearings can stretch out for years. NRC admits third party intervenors to participate in questioning license applications, adding time and cost. NRC says hundreds of annual hearings increase public confidence, but the Big Green opponents (Greenpeace, Sierra Club, National Resource Defense Council, and Union of Concerned Scientists) have the money and legal expertise to use intervention to add delays and costs. Without a stable regulatory system, future investors will fear uncontrollable costs and schedules for building even refined water-cooled power plants. It will be even more difficult for advanced ones. A 2016 audit of NRC by the Government Accountability Office reported that just obtaining a license to build an initial fourth generation MSR or HTGR plant would cost $1 billion and take a decade.

Electric Power Regulation. The US electric power market has been distorted by new rules that give subsidies and preferential treatment for selected energy sources such as wind and solar. Nuclear power plants are not easily powered down as the wind freshens and prioritized wind turbine generators come on line. Nuclear plants are sometimes allowed to continue to operate, but paying out money to idled wind or solar generators. Natural gas generators are more easily powered up or down, and natural gas is inexpensive due to modern shale fracking. Legislators and regulators have created state, regional and federal rules, making a complex market rewarding for clever, politically influential ventures. Regulator Travis Kavulla writes “Even experts in certain places, such as New England, profess that they cannot understand the market rules for the product’s trade in, say, California.” The consequence is that many nuclear power plants are shutting down, though they can generate inexpensive electricity....
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Offline Joe Wooten

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Re: The Fall and Rise of Nuclear Power
« Reply #1 on: June 21, 2017, 03:40:16 pm »
The sodium cooled fast reactors are a dead end until we get materials tech much better than the current state-of-the art. EVERY sodium FBR built has run into corrosion problems that limited the ability of the plant to operate long enough to get a return on the investment. France has tried twice, Japan once, Russia once and they all failed for the same damn reason - sodium in highly corrosive.

As far as Vogtle and VC Summer are concerned, it looks like Toshiba will be paying out about $3.5 billion to each utility, which should be enough to finish the plants.

Offline kidd

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Re: The Fall and Rise of Nuclear Power
« Reply #2 on: June 21, 2017, 07:08:29 pm »
The big one that isn't mentioned is the advancements in fracking.

Cheap natural gas and modular gas fired plants are heard to beat.

Offline Joe Wooten

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Re: The Fall and Rise of Nuclear Power
« Reply #3 on: June 21, 2017, 07:36:40 pm »
The big one that isn't mentioned is the advancements in fracking.

Cheap natural gas and modular gas fired plants are heard to beat.

Yep, and gas fired combined cycle plants will be the choice for the near and mid term future. Any kid graduating college who wants to go into the power biz would be well advised to plunge into that area. He/she can make a long career in it.

Though I thought the same about nuclear back in 1980......  :)

Offline thackney

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Re: The Fall and Rise of Nuclear Power
« Reply #4 on: June 21, 2017, 07:40:54 pm »
Yep, and gas fired combined cycle plants will be the choice for the near and mid term future. Any kid graduating college who wants to go into the power biz would be well advised to plunge into that area. He/she can make a long career in it.

Though I thought the same about nuclear back in 1980......  :)

1984 was the year I took my last nuclear engineering class and decided electrical, power option.  If the Navy would have put in writing I would go to their nuke school, I would have done it anyways.
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Offline Joe Wooten

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Re: The Fall and Rise of Nuclear Power
« Reply #5 on: June 21, 2017, 11:09:26 pm »
1984 was the year I took my last nuclear engineering class and decided electrical, power option.  If the Navy would have put in writing I would go to their nuke school, I would have done it anyways.

I came within a rch of going nuke Navy in 1979. Now I wish I would have.

Offline IsailedawayfromFR

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Re: The Fall and Rise of Nuclear Power
« Reply #6 on: June 22, 2017, 03:32:57 am »
Yep, and gas fired combined cycle plants will be the choice for the near and mid term future. Any kid graduating college who wants to go into the power biz would be well advised to plunge into that area. He/she can make a long career in it.

Though I thought the same about nuclear back in 1980......  :)
I recall when I worked the North Sea for a major in the early 80s.  It was early in the North Sea oil rush.  The British Department of Energy who the oil companies reported to had their HQ at Winfreth, a nuclear plant outside of London.

I found out the reason was that during the 60s, the British were attempting to develop a new breeder reactor and formed a team of scientists to do so.  After the oil rush in the 70s, the Brits decided to adopt the US reactor design, which left a lot of scientists without a job.  They were all transferred to oil and gas instead.

Lots of very smart guys in the DOE, but decidedly not familiar with oil and gas industry terms or background.

With all these nuclear scientists being responsible for oversight of the North Sea's large oil fields, a very significant out-of-box thinking emerged which was responsible for some really impressive changes to the way the offshore industry, and the entire oil industry was looked at.  Prior conceptions were not present, so were not much of a problem to look past them.  We as an industry profited immensely with reservoir simulation advances, enhanced recovery and new ways to look at the problems of maximizing extraction of hydrocarbons.

It was a very interesting time that will forever have lasting change for industry.

So who knows, if nuclear diminishes, those smart people can bring about new changes in another industry like oil and gas.

@Joe Wooten
No punishment, in my opinion, is too great, for the man who can build his greatness upon his country's ruin~  George Washington

Offline Joe Wooten

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Re: The Fall and Rise of Nuclear Power
« Reply #7 on: June 22, 2017, 10:19:18 am »
I recall when I worked the North Sea for a major in the early 80s.  It was early in the North Sea oil rush.  The British Department of Energy who the oil companies reported to had their HQ at Winfreth, a nuclear plant outside of London.

I found out the reason was that during the 60s, the British were attempting to develop a new breeder reactor and formed a team of scientists to do so.  After the oil rush in the 70s, the Brits decided to adopt the US reactor design, which left a lot of scientists without a job.  They were all transferred to oil and gas instead.

Lots of very smart guys in the DOE, but decidedly not familiar with oil and gas industry terms or background.

With all these nuclear scientists being responsible for oversight of the North Sea's large oil fields, a very significant out-of-box thinking emerged which was responsible for some really impressive changes to the way the offshore industry, and the entire oil industry was looked at.  Prior conceptions were not present, so were not much of a problem to look past them.  We as an industry profited immensely with reservoir simulation advances, enhanced recovery and new ways to look at the problems of maximizing extraction of hydrocarbons.

It was a very interesting time that will forever have lasting change for industry.

So who knows, if nuclear diminishes, those smart people can bring about new changes in another industry like oil and gas.

@Joe Wooten

That will probably happen here too, although with 95 nuke plants still operating, I can see myself finishing out the last 5-6 years of my active career in the nuke biz, and some of the young 'uns will be able to make a career out of it too.

Offline kidd

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Re: The Fall and Rise of Nuclear Power
« Reply #8 on: June 22, 2017, 07:49:43 pm »
Another one not mentioned:

Lithium-7 Supply

Domestic reactors use boron, in the form of boric acid, to control reactivity.
Lithium hydroxide is used to neutralize the boric acid.

Natural lithium is 92% Lithium-7 and 8% Lithium-6.
Unfortunately, Lithium-6 is readily transformed to tritium when exposed to neutrons, and tritium is highly undesirable form safety and operability standpoints
So domestic reactors have to use lithium hydroxide that is enriched to >99.99% Lithium-7.

The United States used to produce large quantities of Lithium-7 in the 1950s and 1960s. The Lithium-6 was needed for weapons manufacturing and we had huge stockpiles of Lithium-7 as a waste product.
The process to separate the Lithium-6 from Lithium-7 involves a lot of mercury.
The mercury extraction process has been deemed to be too hazardous and cannot be used in the United States (or almost anywhere else in the world) anymore.

The United States went through its stockpile of Lithium-7 by 2015.
The only suppliers of Lithium-7 in the entire world now are: Russia and China - as these countries do not have the mercury environmental regulations that the rest of the world has adopted.
Relations with Russia are very poor right now.
China has its own ambitious nuclear program.

In 2016, there was a significant lithium-7 crisis that nearly shut down several domestic plants.
Efforts are being made to recover the lithium-7 that is produced in the reactor, but this involves working with highly radioactive spent resins...and it will be expensive.

The Lithium-7 supply is very unreliable; lithium-7 has become extremely expensive.
And Molten Salt Reactors will each require enough lithium-7 to supply about 750 light water reactors

Offline Joe Wooten

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Re: The Fall and Rise of Nuclear Power
« Reply #9 on: June 22, 2017, 08:37:16 pm »
Another one not mentioned:

Lithium-7 Supply

Domestic reactors use boron, in the form of boric acid, to control reactivity.
Lithium hydroxide is used to neutralize the boric acid.

Natural lithium is 92% Lithium-7 and 8% Lithium-6.
Unfortunately, Lithium-6 is readily transformed to tritium when exposed to neutrons, and tritium is highly undesirable form safety and operability standpoints
So domestic reactors have to use lithium hydroxide that is enriched to >99.99% Lithium-7.

The United States used to produce large quantities of Lithium-7 in the 1950s and 1960s. The Lithium-6 was needed for weapons manufacturing and we had huge stockpiles of Lithium-7 as a waste product.
The process to separate the Lithium-6 from Lithium-7 involves a lot of mercury.
The mercury extraction process has been deemed to be too hazardous and cannot be used in the United States (or almost anywhere else in the world) anymore.

The United States went through its stockpile of Lithium-7 by 2015.
The only suppliers of Lithium-7 in the entire world now are: Russia and China - as these countries do not have the mercury environmental regulations that the rest of the world has adopted.
Relations with Russia are very poor right now.
China has its own ambitious nuclear program.

In 2016, there was a significant lithium-7 crisis that nearly shut down several domestic plants.
Efforts are being made to recover the lithium-7 that is produced in the reactor, but this involves working with highly radioactive spent resins...and it will be expensive.

The Lithium-7 supply is very unreliable; lithium-7 has become extremely expensive.
And Molten Salt Reactors will each require enough lithium-7 to supply about 750 light water reactors

Watts bar and Sequoyah plants are already recovering tritium for the DOE weapons program. Maybe Lithium-7 can be another recovered by-product from this process... I'll have to check in on this with the real nuke boys in the company.

Offline thackney

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Re: The Fall and Rise of Nuclear Power
« Reply #10 on: June 22, 2017, 08:41:19 pm »
Another one not mentioned:

Lithium-7 Supply

Domestic reactors use boron, in the form of boric acid, to control reactivity.
Lithium hydroxide is used to neutralize the boric acid.

Natural lithium is 92% Lithium-7 and 8% Lithium-6.
Unfortunately, Lithium-6 is readily transformed to tritium when exposed to neutrons, and tritium is highly undesirable form safety and operability standpoints
So domestic reactors have to use lithium hydroxide that is enriched to >99.99% Lithium-7.

The United States used to produce large quantities of Lithium-7 in the 1950s and 1960s. The Lithium-6 was needed for weapons manufacturing and we had huge stockpiles of Lithium-7 as a waste product.
The process to separate the Lithium-6 from Lithium-7 involves a lot of mercury.
The mercury extraction process has been deemed to be too hazardous and cannot be used in the United States (or almost anywhere else in the world) anymore.

The United States went through its stockpile of Lithium-7 by 2015.
The only suppliers of Lithium-7 in the entire world now are: Russia and China - as these countries do not have the mercury environmental regulations that the rest of the world has adopted.
Relations with Russia are very poor right now.
China has its own ambitious nuclear program.

In 2016, there was a significant lithium-7 crisis that nearly shut down several domestic plants.
Efforts are being made to recover the lithium-7 that is produced in the reactor, but this involves working with highly radioactive spent resins...and it will be expensive.

The Lithium-7 supply is very unreliable; lithium-7 has become extremely expensive.
And Molten Salt Reactors will each require enough lithium-7 to supply about 750 light water reactors

I thought we still had a lithium mine operating in Nevada.  And Chile has a much larger Lithium mine.
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Offline kidd

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Re: The Fall and Rise of Nuclear Power
« Reply #11 on: June 23, 2017, 02:21:48 pm »
I thought we still had a lithium mine operating in Nevada.  And Chile has a much larger Lithium mine.
We have plenty of natural lithium
But we don't have a process to enrich the lithium-7 isotope in the natural lithium

Offline thackney

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Re: The Fall and Rise of Nuclear Power
« Reply #12 on: June 23, 2017, 02:50:51 pm »
We have plenty of natural lithium
But we don't have a process to enrich the lithium-7 isotope in the natural lithium

Life is fragile, handle with prayer