Author Topic: What is 'the 5th column' and why is it wrong?  (Read 408 times)

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Offline Old Warrior in Exile

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What is 'the 5th column' and why is it wrong?
« on: June 22, 2017, 02:48:00 pm »
What is 'the 5th column' and why is it wrong?
Bill Federer warns of treacherous use as 'part of an enemy unit of occupation'
Published: 13 hours ago

At a time when most of the world was ruled by kings, Americans held its first popularly elected legislative assembly.

Jamestown was initially a “company colony,” run by the 1606 Virginia Company Charter, which had by-laws and an appointed governor. The unforeseen crises, famines, diseases, Indian attacks, labor shortages and struggles to establish a cash crop necessitated the calling of the first meeting of the Virginia House of Burgesses, July 30, 1619.

A burgess was a citizen elected to represent a “burg” (city) or “borough” (town or neighborhood). There were eleven Jamestown boroughs which elected 22 representatives. They met in the church choir loft.

Master John Pory was appointed as the assembly’s speaker. He wrote “A Reporte of the Manner of Proceeding in the General Assembly Convented at James City,” July 30, 1619: “But forasmuch as men’s affaires doe litle prosper where God’s service is neglected, all the Burgesses tooke their places in the Quire (choir) till a prayer was said by Mr. Bucke, the Minister, that it would please God to guide and sanctifie all our proceedings to his own glory and the good of this Plantation. … The Speaker … delivered in briefe to the whole assembly the occasions of their meeting. Which done he read unto them the commission for establishing the Counsell of Estate and the general Assembly, wherein their duties were described to the life. … And forasmuch as our intente is to establish one equall and uniforme kinde of government over all Virginia &c.”

The House of Burgesses set the price of tobacco at three shillings per pound, and passed prohibitions against gambling, drunkenness, idleness, and made it mandatory to observe the Sabbath.

The freezing winters, epidemics, and the Indian attack of March 22, 1622, where some 400 colonists were massacred, led to the Virginia Company’s Charter being revoked. In 1624, Virginia went from being a “company colony” to a “crown colony” ruled directly by the king through his royal appointed governor. As the king did not pay his salary, the royal appointed governor instructed the House of Burgesses to provide his funding, and allowed them to otherwise function largely on their own.


Franklin Roosevelt stated May 16, 1940: “We have seen the treacherous use of the ‘fifth column’ by which persons supposed to be peaceful visitors were actually a part of an enemy unit of occupation.”

Franklin Roosevelt described the “fifth column” tactics, Dec. 29, 1940: “Their secret emissaries … seek to stir up … dissension to cause internal strife. They try to turn capital against labor, and vice versa. They try to reawaken long slumbering racial and religious enmities which should have no place in this country. … These trouble-breeders have but one purpose. It is to divide our people into hostile groups and to destroy our unity and shatter our will to defend ourselves. There are also American citizens, many of them in high places, who, unwittingly in most cases, are aiding and abetting the work of these agents. I do not charge these American citizens with being foreign agents. But I do charge them with doing exactly the kind of work that the dictators want done in the United States.”

These tactics are listed as:

vote buying


fear mongering

October surprises

biased media coverage

entitlement dependency

confusing ballot language

registering of non-citizens

suppression of voter turnout

uneducated “low information” voters

unions & globalist corporate influences

malicious instigation of FEC investigations & selective IRS auditing

President William Henry Harrison stated March 4, 1841: “As long as the understanding of men can be warped and their affections changed by operations upon their passions and prejudices, so long will the liberties of a people depend on their constant attention to its preservation.”


An interesting article and you have my apologies for chopping it. But excerpt rules being what they are.

Barba non facit philosophum.