General Category > Immigration/Border

Feds: More Than A Quarter Of Illegal Immigrant Minors In Our Care Are Gang Members


Feds: More Than A Quarter Of Illegal Immigrant Minors In Our Care Are Gang Members

Posted By Alex Pfeiffer On 5:18 PM 06/21/2017 In | No Comments

The Office of Refugee Resettlement (ORR) surveyed illegal immigrant minors in its custody and found that 28 percent of them were gang members, according to Senate testimony.

The Senate Judiciary Committee held a hearing Wednesday on the “MS-13 problem.” The Salvadoran gang has grown in the recent years in the U.S. due to an influx of illegal immigrant minors from Central America.

Article printed from The Daily Caller:

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Nearly 30% of illegal immigrant children at border have ties to MS-13 or other gangs
Washington Times, Jun 21, 2017

Nearly 30 percent of the illegal immigrant children the U.S. is holding in its dormitories have ties to criminal gangs, the government revealed Wednesday, suggesting that the Obama-era surge of Central Americans has fed the country’s growing problem with MS-13 and other gangs.

Federal officials refused even to guess at the true scope of the problem, telling the Senate Judiciary Committee that they can give only small snapshots of what they see. But they said the devastation on communities across the country is clear: killings and chaos, particularly among other immigrants — both legal and illegal.

The Border Patrol identified 160 teens who were known or suspected gang members when they first showed up at the border, but whom the Obama administration said it had to admit under U.S. law.

Meanwhile, a spot check this month of 138 teens being held by the federal Health and Human Services Department identified 39 with gang ties. Four of them were forced into cooperating with the gangs and 35 joined voluntarily, according to the Office of Refugee Resettlement.

“It is well-known that MS-13 actively targets and recruits children as young as 8 years old,” said Sen. Chuck Grassley, the Iowa Republican and chairman of the Judiciary Committee who called Wednesday’s hearing.


If they've identified and admitted to 1/4, I wonder what the real number is?

The "real numbers"?

I'd guess it to be 50-65%, at least.


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