General Category > Immigration/Border

ICE bust puts Boston’s illegal Irish on edge


ICE bust puts Boston’s illegal Irish on edge
Leader detained for deportation
Dan Atkinson Wednesday, June 21, 2017

Boston’s Irish community is on high alert after ICE agents detained a local leader for deportation, sparking fears that thousands of other illegal immigrants living and working here for years could be next.

The arrest of John Cunningham — an electrical contractor and past chairman of the Gaelic Athletic Association in Boston — was particularly stunning because agents descended on his Brighton home.

Joe Wooten:
Yep. It ain't only the illegal Mexicans in Chicago on edge about deportation. the Polack and Serbie wetbacks are nervous too.

The Irish are real nervous - a lot of them have outstanding warrants if they get sent back. And since they were not in Ireland or Northern Ireland at the time of the Good Friday agreement .... they'll be charged and sentenced as terrorists.



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