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My list of movies and tv series... lots of older films. 100 total

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"Bad Day At Black Rock" was on TCM last night, I had it set to record, only 80 minutes, it was very good, I recorded also, I think right before it, "Ice Station Zebra", that one is a long movie, 2:47  (cold war picture too), I think they are saying there's a connection somehow, director or what have you, it was in the IMDB ratings.

"13 Hours", yes, about Benghazi but to me, that's up there among the best war movies since "Saving Priv. Ryan" and also tops among us fighting with those Arabs (or other similar types) epics of which we have a number of nowadays.

Some movies, I'd have to gauge my appreciation of based on how often I've watched it, "Hamburger Hill" really went to me, so has "Munich".

And the "Dirty Dozen", a bit of a fantastic plot but actually, good.

And I believe I mentioned earlier in the thread some other war movies that are entertaining, I will leave it at that now.

I looked up "Five Graves" from Sighlass' list, it sounds really good. I had a Readers Digest compendium of WWII stories, too bad I lost it. The stories were all suppose to be true though, I wondered.

I always wonder about the stories where you know, us allies or usually the Americans dawned Nazi uniforms to fool the Nazis. There was probably some of that but I find it a bit difficult to believe. It sounds so much like something you'd see in a movie and yes, a number of movies have that.

Bottom line, I think everyone should see "13 Hours", pretty darn good.


--- Quote from: TomSea on February 17, 2020, 02:32:36 am ---"Bad Day At Black Rock" was on TCM last night, I had it set to record, only 80 minutes, it was very good, I recorded also, I think right before it, "Ice Station Zebra", that one is a long movie, 2:47  (cold war picture too), I think they are saying there's a connection somehow, director or what have you, it was in the IMDB ratings.

"13 Hours", yes, about Benghazi but to me, that's up there among the best war movies since "Saving Priv. Ryan" and also tops among us fighting with those Arabs (or other similar types) epics of which we have a number of nowadays.

Some movies, I'd have to gauge my appreciation of based on how often I've watched it, "Hamburger Hill" really went to me, so has "Munich".

And the "Dirty Dozen", a bit of a fantastic plot but actually, good.

And I believe I mentioned earlier in the thread some other war movies that are entertaining, I will leave it at that now.

I looked up "Five Graves" from Sighlass' list, it sounds really good. I had a Readers Digest compendium of WWII stories, too bad I lost it. The stories were all suppose to be true though, I wondered.

I always wonder about the stories where you know, us allies or usually the Americans dawned Nazi uniforms to fool the Nazis. There was probably some of that but I find it a bit difficult to believe. It sounds so much like something you'd see in a movie and yes, a number of movies have that.

Bottom line, I think everyone should see "13 Hours", pretty darn good.

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"Where Eagles Dare" fits your uniform plot. A good move too.


--- Quote from: TomSea on February 17, 2020, 02:32:36 am ---


--- Quote ---Some movies, I'd have to gauge my appreciation of based on how often I've watched it, "Hamburger Hill" really went to me, so has "Munich".

--- End quote ---


Probably the best depiction of night combat in the jungle I have ever seen. Had my adrenaline pumping so hard I think my fingers must have  swelled with every heartbeat. That is some seriously exciting stuff.


--- End quote ---

The only reason I sometimes don't care for these lists is because it's easy to miss some movies,  I think a number of people might like "Deliverance", I hadn't seen it in quite awhile, the whole thing that is, the whole movie. Sundance had it on this past week.

Ronnie Cox is one of the four in Burt Reynold's foursome along with John Voight and Ed Begley, I did not know Cox was born in New Mexico, Portales is his home town and went to Eastern New Mexico.

I believe I posted in the past, some articles of people from that region that objected to the portrayal of the town and area, you know, the way they are portrayed as hillbillies that marry their first cousins. I can relate. IF someone said, "I find that movie offensive", I probably wouldn't discuss it much further, I can see their point and it's kind of sad if it ruins an otherwise, exciting adventure movie.

Another movie I like a lot is "The Ugly American", international flare. Growing up, I'd note a few "international" type movies like "The Killing Field's" on Sighlass's list, it's about Cambodia, I always thought that was a great movie too and I've probably seen it a dozen times.

"The Ugly American" I believe can be found to watch in full and continuously on youtube (one might have to search some but I found it there before).

1963 I think,  I think it also pre-dates when movies went wild in the '60s. I'm not an especially big fan of Brando but I think he did real good in this. The only thing is,  I'm not sure his character really was an "ugly American", so it's a term but his character is more like a "good American",  also, obviously, this movie pre-dates when South East Asia saw all hell break out but that's what it is about, some fictional SE Asian nation called "Sarkhan"

 (an imaginary country in Southeast Asia that somewhat resembles Burma or Thailand, but which is meant to allude to Vietnam) and includes several real people, most of whose names have been changed.  -

The article says the book helped inspire the creation of the Peace Corps.


--- Quote from: sneakypete on February 17, 2020, 03:07:17 am ---Probably the best depiction of night combat in the jungle I have ever seen. Had my adrenaline pumping so hard I think my fingers must have  swelled with every heartbeat. That is some seriously exciting stuff.

--- End quote ---


Very serious question and a question for whomever cares to answer,  the local home goods store also has a good selection of about everything,

They have all seasons of that CBS Vietnam war drama, "Tour of Duty", it certainly gets positive reviews from users at IMDB.

Did you think that was a good series?   I enjoyed the first year a bit more than the following seasons I think but you never know. Apparently, a fair number of people love the show <--- And I do mean, you can see the reviews, "veterans" say they liked the show quite a bit.

Then, later on was "China Beach", I never saw much of that though what I saw was okay.

So, the "Tour of Duty" DVD is on my shopping list of things to get sometime in the near future unless, maybe,  I hear different.

All 3 or 4 seasons package, like it's around $29.99 for 45 hours.


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