Author Topic: GOP Rep Warns 'The Militant Left Is Out of Control' After Name Found On Shooter's List  (Read 426 times)

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    • Wulf Anson Author
Peter Hasson
Associate Editor
1:22 PM 06/19/2017


Last week’s attempted mass assassination of Republican lawmakers by an enraged left-winger is just the latest evidence of an increasingly violent, “militant left”, Arizona Rep. Trent Franks argued in a radio interview on Sunday.

Franks was among six Republicans whose names were found on a list in James T. Hodgkinson’s possession when he opened fire on a GOP baseball practice last Wednesday, injuring four people including Louisiana Rep. Steve Scalise. The list’s existence was first reported by The Daily Caller and has since been confirmed by federal officials and lawmakers, including Franks, who said Sunday that the list “has been fairly accurately characterized” in the media. (RELATED: Assassination List Found On James Hodgkinson’s Body)

Hodgkinson’s attack appears to be “premeditated,” indicating that “we have devolved to a great point in our society now. To the point where the militant left is out there to the extent that they are willing to shoot people,” Franks said. He returned to the subject of the militant left later in the interview.

“The militant left here has been outrageous. It’s not conservatives that are going out there burning cars and turning them upside down in universities just because someone is speaking. It’s not the conservatives that are saying ‘pigs in a blanket’ and advocating for the killing of police officers,” he said. “It’s not the conservatives that are shooting people in the baseball field. This militant left is out of control and I think that the so-called moderates should stand up and eschew this and really call them out in a flagrant way.”
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Offline DiogenesLamp

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GOP Rep Warns 'The Militant Left Is Out of Control' After Name Found On Shooter's List

Perhaps this will motivate them to attack the left at it's roots...   but I doubt it. 

‘What all the wise men promised has not happened, and what all the damned fools said would happen has come to pass.’
— Lord Melbourne —

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  • Ah, the air is so much fresher here...

Perhaps this will motivate them to attack the left at it's roots...   but I doubt it.

Problem is if you get rid of the nutroots there might now be anything left after.
The Republic is lost.

Offline endicom

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We've devolved or revolved?

Propaganda by the deed: "The existing system will be quickest and most radically overthrown by the annihilation of its exponents. Therefore, massacres of the enemies of the people must be set in motion."[37]
