Author Topic: The Pied Pipers of the Millennials  (Read 269 times)

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The Pied Pipers of the Millennials
« on: June 12, 2017, 08:16:28 am »
June 12, 2017
The Pied Pipers of the Millennials
By Christopher Chantrill

A couple of weeks ago, John O’Sullivan was confidently writing about the British Conservative Party finally getting it all together, and uniting the three strands of Toryism -- the economic freedom and enterprise of Thatcher, the nationalism of Churchill and Disraeli, and the skepticism of Peel and Lord Salisbury -- into a real political force at last. And I wrote approvingly of this prospect on my blog.

Well, so much for that. After the British General Election on June 8, we are being taught that Corbyn’s leftism is in the driver’s seat, powered by the enthusiasm of Millennials.

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