Author Topic: EXCLUSIVE: Mark Green Says Army Secretary Nomination Derailed by Partisan Smear Campaign and Single Democrat Senator  (Read 300 times)

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Offline Elderberry

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The Tennessee Star 5/31/2017

Tennessee State Senator Mark Green was selected by President Trump to serve as the next Secretary of the Army with the full support of Secretary of Defense James Mattis, and from Tennessee’s two Republican U.S. Senators Lamar Alexander and Bob Corker. At the time President Trump announced his intention to nominate Green in April, it appeared the conservative Tennessean had all the political boxes checked to ensure his confirmation by the Senate.

As a West Point graduate and former combat infantry officer, and special operations combat veteran, the military establishment was excited about the prospects of “one of their own” being named to the top direct civilian oversight position for the Army. As a businessman who had built and sold a healthcare company, he even had the bonus appeal to the Trump team’s preference for those who had achieved private sector business success. A relatively easy confirmation was expected by those close to the process.

Then, the left wing media establishment initiated a smear campaign against Green that was designed to “take out” another Trump nominee with nothing more than misquotes and comments taken out of context, innuendo, and completely false information. With the spurious claims against him amplified by a politically correct mob and media driven rush to judgement, Green was being tried, convicted and punished without the opportunity to present any defense.

In the end, a lone Democratic Party Senator promised to use the power of a procedural “blackball” to prevent Green’s nomination from getting a vote — indefinitely. The “hold” placed on the nomination by a single Senator which could remain in place for months or even longer, would leave the Army with its most senior civilian position vacant, delaying critically important policy making decisions in the face of ever increasing dangers in order to promote a partisan political agenda.


Offline Elderberry

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Exclusive: Inside the CMP and the word on Garands and 1911s (PHOTOS)

---As Jim Townsend, CMP’s business development officer, walked us through a tour of their largest warehouse, he swept his arms over a large expanse of empty floor space and said, “When I first started here, this whole side of the building was full of M1s.” Repurposed crates that once contained M1s returning from allies in Greece and Denmark now hold everything but.

Repurposed crates that once contained M1s returning from allies in Greece and Denmark now hold everything but.

Why keep the empty space? Townsend acknowledged there are huge possible influxes of weapons on the horizon, including an estimated 86,000 loaned M1s being boxed up to ship back from the Philippines and mandates to allow selling off surplus M1911 pistols sitting in storage over at the Depot.

The hold-up?

There are a few, like setting guidelines for how the organization, which has for the past several generations just sold rifles, will store, check and handle the pistols. Depot officials tell they are working with the CMP for on that. Another big hurdle is that there is no secretary of the Army to sign off on the transfers. Five months into the current presidental administratio and the Department of the Army has been on auto-pilot.