Author Topic: Trump's Budget to Preserve the Swamp?  (Read 355 times)

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Trump's Budget to Preserve the Swamp?
« on: May 25, 2017, 07:19:39 pm »
Republicans dodge another opportunity to rein in spending.
By Veronique de Rugy

President Donald Trump's first budget proposal is finally out, and it boldly promises to deliver a "new foundation for
American greatness." I guess that grandiose language is supposed to resonate with those voters who don't understand how
the budget process actually works. The sad reality is that this budget would accomplish no such thing, for several reasons.

First, notice that I said "would," not "will." That's because the proposal is dead on arrival on Capitol Hill. Even if one believed
the Trump budget would be successful in achieving its stated aims, congressional Republicans have made clear that they
won't be carrying the administration's water. Specifically, GOPers have already made clear that they have zero appetite for
pursuing the spending cuts and program terminations recommended in the administration's budget proposal . . .

. . . Second, although the administration's proposal contains many good ideas, it also contains the sort of budget gimmicks
that have turned previous presidential budget proposals into punching bags. It claims it could balance the budget in 10
years, using rosy estimates of growth and revenue alongside a continued abuse of the budget for "overseas contingency
operations," which is stuffed with $77 billion in extra spending. As Taxpayers for Common Sense notes, if the fund for
overseas contingency operations were an agency, it would be the fourth-largest in terms of federal discretionary spending . . .

. . . That being said, the biggest problem with this budget is the fact that I can't see President Trump actually fighting for it.
Sure, he'll continue to make speeches about his great wall and his anti-immigration positions with the passion that got him
elected, but don't count on him to go to the mat for work requirements, Medicaid reforms and a reduction in the food stamp

This is bad news for those of us who want to see good reforms implemented, but it's good news for the swamp—which will
most likely get to rule the day once again.

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