Author Topic: Senior White House advisor now “significant person of interest” in Russia probe; Update: DOJ probing possible cover-up by WH officials?  (Read 3082 times)

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Offline SirLinksALot

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AL Qaeda and ISIS are getting air cover from Trump it seems

The Kurds are close to taking Raqqa with our help. Is this a favor to Russia?

Offline SirLinksALot

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AL Qaeda and ISIS are getting air cover from Trump it seems

And one more.... Mosul is close to being totally taken over from ISIS by the Iraqi military, again, with our help. Is that a favor to Russia as well?
« Last Edit: May 20, 2017, 08:30:11 pm by SirLinksALot »

Offline Formerly Once-Ler

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Trump just bombed the hell out of Russia's protected client, Assad...
Assad Shrugs off Trump’s Strike, Uses Just-Hit Airbase to Bomb Rebels

Syrian fighter aircraft used the just-struck al-Shayrat airfield on Friday to launch attacks against regime opponents, less than 24 hours after the United States tossed dozens of missiles at the base with the hopes of sending a “message” to the regime of Syrian President Bashar al-Assad about its use of chemical weapons.


Offline SirLinksALot

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   The dems have always loved the Russians and Trump has had business dealing with them in the past, of course there's always going to be 'the illusion of collusion', the dems knew this, started this and will milk this for all it's worth.
   Statements made by his Sons in the last couple of years regarding Russian finances only exacerbated the problem.

What I want accusers to show is this .... THE QUID PRO QUO.

Exactly what did suspected men like Flynn, Carter and Manafort, all not in this administration by the way, promise the Russians, and if they did, how do we know they can deliver?

Offline corbe

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The Kurds are close to taking Raqqa with our help. Is this a favor to Russia?

   If they (Russians) wanted Turkey, a NATO ally, in a closer strategic relationship, I'd say it is helping them because that's what is happening, besides the Kurds would prove to be a far better friend to America than that Despotic Erdogan.
No government in the 12,000 years of modern mankind history has led its people into anything but the history books with a simple lesson, don't let this happen to you.

Offline SirLinksALot

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Assad Shrugs off Trump’s Strike, Uses Just-Hit Airbase to Bomb Rebels

Syrian fighter aircraft used the just-struck al-Shayrat airfield on Friday to launch attacks against regime opponents, less than 24 hours after the United States tossed dozens of missiles at the base with the hopes of sending a “message” to the regime of Syrian President Bashar al-Assad about its use of chemical weapons.

And that proves exactly what kind of favor that Trump did for the Russians?

Are you insinuating that the bombing was just for show and those who planned it were in on the script?
« Last Edit: May 20, 2017, 08:37:45 pm by SirLinksALot »


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The Kurds are close to taking Raqqa with our help. Is this a favor to Russia?

Putin doesn't care about Assad. Moscow actually groomed a replacement once, who was arrested and vanished once he went back to Damascus. He just doesn't want to lose face and end up with a chaotic ISIS state on his border.

Putin is a tyrant and no friend of freedom. He will undermine and harm the US at every chance.

I still wonder how many millions or billions Trump owes Russia.

Offline SirLinksALot

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   If they (Russians) wanted Turkey, a NATO ally, in a closer strategic relationship, I'd say it is helping them because that's what is happening, besides the Kurds would prove to be a far better friend to America than that Despotic Erdogan.

All these talk about what could or could not happen are simply guesses as to what kind of actions could produce what kind of unforseen consequences. THAT'S ALL.

With that, we could also create various conspiracy scenarios between the Russians and Clinton, Bush or Obama.

I want to know how these all fit into a supposed grand Trump-Russia plan hatched before the elections to strengthen them and weaken us.
« Last Edit: May 20, 2017, 08:44:26 pm by SirLinksALot »


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Not sure why Syria came up, actually. It's definitely not the point of the investigation.

Trump has deep ties to Russia, maybe billions of dollars in business deals/loans. Apparently Putin himself signed off on loans that were used to launder Russian Mafia dollars.

Wouldn't be the first time Trump was involved with mafia or linked to a criminal enterprise.

Trump used to buy jewelry and have it delivered to a place outside of New York to avoid paying NY sales taxes, when caught he turned states evidence against the jewelry store. It was his scheme and he was the one avoiding paying the tax, but he wasn't the one going to jail.

Offline SirLinksALot

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I still wonder how many millions or billions Trump owes Russia.

So, your thesis is that Trump plans to do Russia an undefined favor in order to receive better terms on debts (which nobody from the hate Trump side even bothers to bring up)... and these were all being discussed during the campaign?

Offline SirLinksALot

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Not sure why Syria came up, actually. It's definitely not the point of the investigation.

The reasoning I have is this.... Russia protects Assad. If Trump is weakening Assad and not strengthening Putin's client, that is One Score against the "Trump is doing Russia a favor" argument.

Your thesis seems to be that it is personal.... that Trump has some personal debt he owes that he hopes to clear.

I'm still trying to understand what Russia wants in exchange for this (assuming that your speculation is true).

As of now, I see little in the foreign policy side that shows favors to Russia other than actions that might favor them in the long term. But hey, there are always unintended consequences to any actions, especially when it comes to foreign policy.

Offline Jarhead

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If it means we gloss over their tyrannical murderous actions and their threatening neighboring countries and actual invasions of neighboring countries, yes that is a very bad thing.

Lol nahhhhhh we never ever ever murder anyone...

Never ever

Offline Jarhead

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So, your thesis is that Trump plans to do Russia an undefined favor in order to receive better terms on debts (which nobody from the hate Trump side even bothers to bring up)... and these were all being discussed during the campaign?

Forget the fact that liberals too have dug and dug and dug and SURPRISE!!! Haven't found that Russia money connection after all this time.

Must have been those meddling kids

Offline endicom

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...when caught he turned states evidence against the jewelry store.

I don't recall that trial and it would have been big news.

Offline Mesaclone

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Not sure why Syria came up, actually. It's definitely not the point of the investigation.

Trump has deep ties to Russia, maybe billions of dollars in business deals/loans. Apparently Putin himself signed off on loans that were used to launder Russian Mafia dollars. This is pure fantasy. Please post your proof or simply admit you're wearing an aluminum foil hat and jousting at windmills.

Wouldn't be the first time Trump was involved with mafia or linked to a criminal enterprise. Again, doing what you assert would be a crime so please post where he was convicted of this and what his jail term was.

Trump used to buy jewelry and have it delivered to a place outside of New York to avoid paying NY sales taxes, when caught he turned states evidence against the jewelry store. It was his scheme and he was the one avoiding paying the tax, but he wasn't the one going to jail. So, clearly he broke no law...because if he had, law enforcement loves nothing more than to catch a "big fish" and would have gone after him guns blazing. Silly conspiracy garbage again.

Its becoming clear why you are an adamant NT. You happily mix bizarre rumor with unfounded innuendo to create an imaginary indictment of our evidence, no substance, just a lot of "might haves" and "apparently's" that you throw together...but clearly your A+B=0.

This kind of dimwitted compilation of random assertions, citing unrelated events that are mostly invented and always exaggerated, with innuendos and assumptions is assembled into a package by the media...and unwitting/unthinking an effort to create a perception of wrong doing.

This is no less than a political effort to stage a coup. Any conservative or Republican dumb enough to go along with it is no less than a useful idiot of the Left...because there is literally no "there" there. Its no crime to talk with the Russians during the campaign about changing the nature of US-Russian relations. Its no crime to discuss geostrategic goals and policies with them. Unless someone has Trump on tape in a room with Vlad Putin saying release the Wikileaks stuff to sway the election...there is nothing here. Heck, its not even clear that that would be illegal...but that's moot...because its such an absurd supposition that its really not worthy of refutation. It clearly never happened or we'd have seen in Wapo and the NYT long ago.

Again, this is simply what a bureaucratic left wing coup looks like...particularly one that is aided by a complicit and assertive Left wing media. And conservative NT'rs should beware, if a GOP president goes down to such a coup...that will be the last time anyone to the Right of Hillary Clinton gets within a mile of the White House. Whether you think Trump an NY lib or a Manchurian candidate, this coup...if allowed to succeed...will outright assassinate the conservative movement for a full generation.
We have the best government that money can buy. Mark Twain

Offline SirLinksALot

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One comment about the Wikileaks stuff....

Do we really need that outfit or the Russians to tell us about Hillary's email server, the classified info she transmitted which eventually found its way into the pervert, Anthony Weiner's laptop?

Anybody who reads the news would know this already.

Heck, Comey himself gave a detailed case of her illegal behavior before he decided not to recommend prosecution.

Do we need Russia or Wikileaks to tell us about Bill's rendezvous with Loretta Lynch at the tarmac? Are we fools to believe it was just a social meeting to talk about grandchildren?

It's all out in the open for those paying attention.

Nope, Hillary's defeat had little to do with Russia or Wikileaks. She brought it upon herself.
« Last Edit: May 21, 2017, 02:58:40 pm by SirLinksALot »

Offline Mesaclone

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One comment about the Wikileaks stuff....

Do we really need that outfit or the Russians to tell us about Hillary's email server, the classified info she transmitted which eventually found its way into the pervert, Anthony Weiner's laptop?

Anybody who reads the news would know this already.

Heck, Comey himself gave a detailed case of her illegal behavior before he decided not to recommend prosecution.

Do we need Russia or Wikileaks to tell us about Bill's rendezvous with Loretta Lynch at the tarmac? Are we fools to believe it was just a social meeting to talk about grandchildren?

It's all out in the open for those paying attention.

Nope, Hillary's defeat had little to do with Russia or Wikileaks. She brought it upon herself.

Here's the thing. Nobody has refuted the Hillary campaign related documents that Wikileaks evidently it was all authentic material. Essentially, all that happened was the public got to peak behind the facade and see the real Hillary and Hillary campaign. If the evil plot of the Russians and Wikileaks was to give Americans a glimpse of reality within a campaign...isn't that a good thing? Wikileaks showed Dems with their greedy hands in the cookie jar...leaking debate questions to Hillary, colluding with the media, sabotaging political opponents, and lying about their intentions (and all of it was genuine). Had this been misinformation or an effort to deceive...I could see all the upset over it...but it was simply a revealing of the truth. No, I don't favor Russian intrusion into these matters...but if the worst they do is reveal real actions of deeply corrupt campaign strategists...BFD.

Wikileaks uncovered a deceptive plot and political collusion between the Hillary campaign, the White House and the Media....and revealed it to Americans. How dare they! If we actually had an impartial media, THEY would have uncovered this evil doing in the Hillary campaign...just as they couldn't wait to unveil old tapes of DT saying idiot things. The wikileaks stuff, if anything, simply balanced a one sided media that was pursing only the Republican campaign looking for dirt and the end, the media and the Wikileaks essentially nullified one another, and the media can never accept being nullified in its pursuit of Leftism.

Now, a media that is joyfully releasing "leaked" insider stuff from the Trump Administration is leading the charge to punish someone for "leaking insider stuff" from Hillary's camp? Really? And anyone would give this credibility by taking it seriously?

Does nobody see the hypocrisy here or do some of you simply hate the Republican President so much you're willing to just ignore it? I wish the leaking on both sides hadn't happened but leaks showing campaign corruption are magnitudes the lesser of evils when compared to the current leaks that seek to expose delicate negotiations and discussions with other nations. Its very telling that the media finds the former to be horrific and the latter almost "patriotic". Absurd.
« Last Edit: May 21, 2017, 03:19:30 pm by Mesaclone »
We have the best government that money can buy. Mark Twain


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Me too...I ate my meals in front of the tv so I wouldn't miss a

Say it ain;t so....  please @mystery-ak