Author Topic: Fight for 15 champion DNC sued for not paying minimum wage  (Read 664 times)

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Offline SirLinksALot

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by Jazz Shaw

With a hat tip to America Rising Squared, it’s worth noting that the DNC (and Big Labor) is off to a rough start this week. There’s an embarrassing lawsuit percolating in Pennsylvania where a group of Democratic campaign workers are upset with the state party and the leadership of the national committee. The reason? They were apparently working their tails off for them during the 2016 campaign, laboring to help the party who was promising to Fight for 15 and give a “living wage” to everyone. Unfortunately, as Sam Dorman at the Free Beacon explains, those generous wages were not intended for the party’s own workers out on the streets. In fact, some of them weren’t even getting minimum wage.

Dozens of field workers have filed a class action lawsuit against the Democratic National Committee, claiming the party that is pushing employers to pay a $15 minimum wage and more in overtime failed to pay overtime and minimum wages to its own employees.

Justin Swidler, the attorney representing the field workers, argued the Democratic Party failed to pay workers a minimum wage and denied them overtime compensation. Swidler “says the lawsuit seeks ‘fair pay for fair work,’ and holding the Democratic Party to the very ideals that it embraces,” according to CBS Philly.

With a hat tip to America Rising Squared, it’s worth noting that the DNC (and Big Labor) is off to a rough start this week. There’s an embarrassing lawsuit percolating in Pennsylvania where a group of Democratic campaign workers are upset with the state party and the leadership of the national committee. The reason? They were apparently working their tails off for them during the 2016 campaign, laboring to help the party who was promising to Fight for 15 and give a “living wage” to everyone. Unfortunately, as Sam Dorman at the Free Beacon explains, those generous wages were not intended for the party’s own workers out on the streets. In fact, some of them weren’t even getting minimum wage.

Dozens of field workers have filed a class action lawsuit against the Democratic National Committee, claiming the party that is pushing employers to pay a $15 minimum wage and more in overtime failed to pay overtime and minimum wages to its own employees.

Justin Swidler, the attorney representing the field workers, argued the Democratic Party failed to pay workers a minimum wage and denied them overtime compensation. Swidler “says the lawsuit seeks ‘fair pay for fair work,’ and holding the Democratic Party to the very ideals that it embraces,” according to CBS Philly.

FORMER GOV. Ed Rendell, a longtime booster of Hillary Clinton’s presidential ambitions, tells Clout that her campaign has built a “tremendous field operation” to turn out votes Tuesday in Pennsylvania. But Clinton’s campaign apparently isn’t budging on its refusal to put up so-called “street money” for the Democratic City Committee, cash that filters down to the division level to help fund the push for voter turnout…

Rendell said the asking price for street money is $200 per division. With 1,686 divisions in the city, that’s $337,200 in street money. But we heard from another Democratic source that the payout could be as low as a measly $150 per division.

A Democratic operative who heard about the $150 figure chimed in, telling Clout: “They have to get to $200 per division. They’re asking people to work a 10- or 12-hour day. You can’t pay them less than minimum wage.

Isn’t that odd? When it was Clinton putting up the money, working people 12 hours a day for less than minimum wage was unacceptable. But when the shoe was on the other foot he had given fair warning of “substandard wages.” You need to practice what you preach, guys. Pleading poverty because of limited campaign funds is no excuse. Either your workers deserve the benefits of the Fight for 15 or nobody does. Just imagine the complaints if you’d won and had to deliver on that promise now.

Offline DiogenesLamp

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Re: Fight for 15 champion DNC sued for not paying minimum wage
« Reply #1 on: May 15, 2017, 08:53:52 pm »
Fight for 15 champion DNC sued for not paying minimum wage

Make the enemy live up to their own book of  rules. 

‘What all the wise men promised has not happened, and what all the damned fools said would happen has come to pass.’
— Lord Melbourne —

Offline anubias

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Re: Fight for 15 champion DNC sued for not paying minimum wage
« Reply #2 on: May 15, 2017, 09:01:56 pm »
Thanks @SirLinksALot for this post.  It made my day!   :silly: