Author Topic: Has the University of California finally learned about folly of appeasement?  (Read 432 times)

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May 12, 2017
Has the University of California finally learned about folly of appeasement?
By Thomas Lifson

When Chancellor George Blumenthal of the University of California, Santa Cruz abjectly surrendered to all the demands of black students who had taken over Kerr Hall, the university's administration building, he foolishly set the stage for more trouble.  Perhaps, in his education as an astronomer and astrophysicist, there was no time to study the lessons of Munich and appeasement.  Having allowed the aggrieved students to control physical facilities belonging to the university, and having given them control of mandatory brainwashing diversity training, he only whetted their appetites.  A week after the surrender, they were back with more demands.

Matthew Stein of The College Fix reports:

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