Author Topic: Democratic Hypocrisy and Hysteria Don’t Make Trump Right  (Read 522 times)

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Offline EasyAce

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The anti-anti-Trump tweeters are doing the president — and the truth — no favors.
By David French

Democrats are losing all sense of proportion over James Comey’s termination, but that doesn’t make Trump right. Their
overreaction doesn’t mean that Trump is a tactical genius, and it certainly doesn’t mean that he’s honest. Yes, it’s fun to create
or retweet video montages showing all the times Democrats called for Comey’s firing and contrast them with their all-caps
outrage when Trump actually fired Comey. Sure, I understand the eye-roll when you see people screaming about “treason,”
calling the firing a “constitutional crisis,” or warning about an alleged “coup.” It’s all too much.

But — and this is vitally important — the evidence is accumulating that Trump fired James Comey in the middle of an accelerating
investigation of Russian interference in the 2016 election and then lied to the American people about the reason. No amount of
Democratic hysteria can make that right. There is no amount of leftist hypocrisy that makes that acceptable.

Let’s be clear, Trump is asking us to believe that he actually fired James Comey for mistreating Hillary Clinton when he has loudly,
repeatedly, and constantly argued that Comey was too lenient, that Comey’s true sin was not recommending Hillary for prosecution.
Now, suddenly, he’s embraced the Democratic critique?

. . . [A]ll the anti-anti-Trump tweets and columns in the world can’t paper over the troubling truth. Indeed, the attacks on Democrats
soon become part of the problem. By obscuring the difficult facts and providing Trump’s base with a distraction from the core of the
matter, the attacks enable Trump’s worst impulses. Indeed, Trump himself has picked up on their talking points,

tweeting again and

again and

again about Democratic hypocrisy.

If we want Trump to tell the truth, to behave responsibly, and not to lash out in unreasoned fury, then it can’t just be Democrats who
take him on. Yes, it’s right to point out when Democrats are wrong and unreasonable. It’s right to push back against hysteria. But
you push back for an underlying purpose: to uphold the core principles of constitutional republic. Did Trump tell the truth? What
was his intent? Will the FBI investigation of Russian interference proceed unimpeded? These are the core questions of the day, not
whether Bernie Sanders or Chuck Schumer are political opportunists, not whether Keith Olbermann has lost his mind. It’s time to
stop enabling Trump and start seeking the truth — even if the truth hurts.
(Italics in the original.--EA.)

"The question of who is right is a small one, indeed, beside the question of what is right."---Albert Jay Nock.

Fake news---news you don't like or don't want to hear.

Offline Frank Cannon

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Re: Democratic Hypocrisy and Hysteria Don’t Make Trump Right
« Reply #1 on: May 12, 2017, 03:57:39 am »
But — and this is vitally important — the evidence is accumulating that Trump fired James Comey in the middle of an accelerating
investigation of Russian interference in the 2016 election and then lied to the American people about the reason.

Funny. The king of all #NeverTrumps French makes this claim about an "accelerating" investigation, but there is no evidence of it. The story about Comey begging for money on this investigation was a lie. Comey said that Donny was not a target. This "investigation" has gone on for a half a year and all that has been found is the absurd dossier that was thoroughly discredited. For Christs sakes Manafort, who is supposed to be the dirties piece of dirt, is still walking around free and easy.

There is more tangible evidence of Hitlary and Podesta playing grab ass with the Soviets than the 24/7 full anal examination of Donny has brought to light. David French is a bitter #NeverTrumper who was shown to be fully wrong and fully worthless. Now he is grasping for straws just like all the other loser Snowflakes, Leftists and malcontents.