Author Topic: Posse Comey Tantrum--Mark Steyn  (Read 447 times)

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Offline Right_in_Virginia

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Posse Comey Tantrum--Mark Steyn
« on: May 11, 2017, 11:42:28 am »
Posse Comey Tantrum
Steyn on America, May 10, 2017, Mark Steyn

I'll say this for the suddenly departed FBI honcho James Comey: He's caused enough cases of whiplash to collapse Obamacare before the end of the week. The left in particular likes its cardboard heroes and cartoon villains drawn in bright Sharpie colors, and Comey insists on jumping back and forth between one role and the other like a movie stuntman leaping the roofs from northbound to southbound train.

Comey's not going to charge Hillary? What a stand-up guy! The very model of a dedicated public servant!

Comey's re-opened the Hillary investigation? What a partisan hack! He's just thrown the election to Trump! This is literally a police state!

Comey's investigating Trump's ties to Russia? Thank God! This career civil servant is all that stands between us and that fascist dictator!

Comey's fingering Huma Abedin for forwarding emails to Carlos Danger? God, this Trump stooge won't let up, will he?

Trump's fired Comey? How dare he? This is a crisis for the integrity of our institutions...

Not surprisingly it's hard for these poor folk to keep up - to the point where Stephen Colbert had to rebuke his audience for cheering his announcement that Comey had been fired. That would have been the appropriate reaction had Obama done it circa November 1st last year. But now it's a constitutional outrage.

As it turns out, he misspoke somewhat on the matter of Huma Abedin sending classified emails to her spambot penis of a hubby to print out during breaks from sexting middle-schoolers. Which is how we arrive at the brain-exploding scenario of Trump firing Comey for being unfair to Hillary. Boy, that Putin is always nine chess moves ahead, isn't he?


I have disliked James Comey ever since discovering he was the fellow who sent Martha Stewart to jail for supposedly lying to the FBI in a matter in which there was no underlying crime. Comey, whatever one feels about him, is no liar: He's been entirely upfront about his bizarre trashing of procedural norms. The only mystery is why he chose to do it, other than for some freaky narcissistic need to make himself the most famous FBI director since Hoover.

Mission accomplished. It's good to see the back of him. When the lefties stop prancing up and down about constitutional coups, they might agree with that.

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Offline Right_in_Virginia

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Re: Posse Comey Tantrum--Mark Steyn
« Reply #1 on: May 11, 2017, 11:43:06 am »
Vintage Steyn from start to finish.   88devil

Offline mountaineer

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Re: Posse Comey Tantrum--Mark Steyn
« Reply #2 on: May 11, 2017, 12:00:32 pm »
Excellent article.
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