Author Topic: Anti-vaccers descended on Minnesota and the result is sadly predictable.  (Read 273 times)

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Among the 40-plus Minnesota children with measles, nearly everyone is unvaccinated, and all but a few are of Somali descent,
In case you needed further proof that vaccines are vital and important, consider what's happening now in Minnesota.   

An outbreak of measles has sickened more than 40 children since mid-April, primarily within the state's large Somali-American community. Anti-vaccination activists have helped spur unfounded fears in Somali parents that the measles, mumps, and rubella vaccine causes autism in children.   

Doctors and state health professionals said they are working to contain the virus, which causes fever, watery eyes, and a red skin rash — and can lead to hospitalization or death. But experts expect measles cases to continue rising in coming weeks, the Associated Press reported.