Author Topic: Donald Trump Advances on These Conservative Fronts  (Read 425 times)

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Donald Trump Advances on These Conservative Fronts
« on: May 09, 2017, 02:44:03 pm »
Donald Trump Advances on These Conservative Fronts

By Erick Erickson  |  May 9, 2017, 05:00am  |  @ewerickson

I maintain a healthy skepticism toward President Trump’s Administration. I must concede he has surrounded himself with a lot of good, competent people. His appointments within the executive branch have been stellar. I must also concede that increasingly many of his gut level reactions are recognizably conservative. But I also think his Twitter behavior, lack of strategic planning, protectionism, and strong man rhetoric do him more harm than good. His White House political operation, being the dog that caught the car, now thinks it can play traffic cop, and I see no concerted effort under way to mitigate leftwing energies headed into 2018.

All that said, and said largely to avoid the inevitable arrows and rocks thrown when saying something nice about President Trump, let me also say this.

Winston Churchill said of himself, “I am not a pillar of the [Church of England] but a buttress – I support it from the outside.” Donald Trump is serving, to various degrees, as a buttress to conservatism.

The media has fixated on how little his administration has gotten done. I think they should be fixated on how many things he has rolled back. It is hard to advance down the field when you’re reshaping the field. It is hard to move forward while rewinding. The President is systematically undoing much of the last eight years on the regulatory front. He has enabled solid conservative political operatives to go into the executive branch and undo many of the regulations Barack Obama’s merry band of leftwing progressives championed. He has issued executive orders to mitigate damage caused by Barack Obama. To the extent he has signed legislation, he has signed legislation to repeal various Obama era regulations and statutorily prohibit such regulations being enacted in the future.

That’s a pretty big win by advancing no fronts, but rather shrinking previously expanded fronts.

Then there is the judiciary. The President is sending up a series of extremely conservative jurists to pile into the federal judiciary. These are, more often than not, men and women on the young side who have established conservative pedigrees. Their paper trails make it less likely they will go wobbly in the future.

No government in the 12,000 years of modern mankind history has led its people into anything but the history books with a simple lesson, don't let this happen to you.