Author Topic: Trump voters in Indiana lament deportation of their neighbor (A business owner married to an American)  (Read 1055 times)

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Offline SirLinksALot

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by Cyra Master

A Sunday “60 Minutes” report detailed the story of Roberto Beristain, an immigrant deported to Mexico after being in the U.S. for nearly 20 years.

Family and friends of the Granger, Ind., business owner spoke with the CBS News program, expressing frustration that someone with no criminal record was separated from his wife and children, who are all American citizens.

“It just feels wrong,” Kimberly Glowacki, a resident of the same town, told “60 Minutes.”

Michelle Craig, who voted for President Trump, said she did so because Trump promised to deport dangerous criminals.

"This is not the person he said he would deport,” she said. “The community is better for having someone like” Beristain in it.

Beristain was a longtime cook who saved money to become the new owner of a restaurant in town, “Eddie’s Steak Shed,” that employs about 20 people, “60 Minutes” noted. He had no criminal record. He entered the U.S. in 1998 illegally but had been issued a temporary work permit, Social Security number and drivers license under the Obama administration.

Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) told “60 Minutes” in a statement that Beristain was deported for having a “final order of removal” against him. He had obtained a temporary deferral of the order three years ago, “60 Minutes” said, and had checked in once a year with the government.

The incident highlights the change in immigration policy between Obama and Trump. According to ICE, arrests of undocumented immigrants with no criminal record have more than doubled since Trump signed an executive order prioritizing deportations.

Some of Trump’s supporters in Granger are now disappointed.

“I voted for him because he said he was going to get rid of the bad hombres. Roberto is a good hombre,” town resident Dave Keck told “60 Minutes.”

“I mean, he showed up here with just the shirt on his back and he's a restaurant owner 20 years later ... and he worked his butt off to get there,” added resident Matt Leliaert.

“The only bad thing he's done is stayed in the United States because he loves this country,” Helen Beristain said of her husband. “That's his only crime.”
« Last Edit: May 08, 2017, 06:26:42 pm by SirLinksALot »

Offline Frank Cannon

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Meh. He can open up a steak stand in Mexico now.


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They are playing his song

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Offline SirLinksALot

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IMHO, Whether or not this man should be deported is open for debate. He is a business owner and employs 20 Americans according to several articles, paid taxes & SS. This does not look like the first priority for deportation. This in my mind is one of the cases that should be decided individually after the gangs, and criminals are gone.

Mr. Beristain was granted a reprieve from U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement in 2012, allowing him to receive a work permit, a Social Security number and an Indiana driver’s license. U.S. officials allowed him to stay as long he kept out of trouble and checked in annually.

The Beristains fruitlessly paid a string of lawyers at least $40,000 through the years attempting to gain legal residency, the couple said.

Plus, the man did not even try to act as a fugitive, hiding from the law. This man did not hide his status. He was up front, paid taxes & SS. SEE HERE:

Now, having said that, I cannot but get the feeling that there is more to this story than meet the eye. ICE is very busy and usually, people like this are not their priority. There's got to be something MORE to this story (money laundering for drug dealers perhaps?), Why else would he show up on law enforcement radar?

« Last Edit: May 08, 2017, 07:12:37 pm by SirLinksALot »


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I hear Puerto Vallarta is lovely this time of year. 

Offline Sanguine

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I wonder why, after 20 years, he was not able to gain permanent residency.  Even the person that killed the two docs in Boston had permanent residency.  Why not this guy?


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I wonder why, after 20 years, he was not able to gain permanent residency.  Even the person that killed the two docs in Boston had permanent residency.  Why not this guy?

40K must not buy a good attorney anymore.  He should ask for a refund.