Author Topic: Experiment with terrorist rehab fails 1st U.S. test. 'De-radicalizing the jihadists doesn't work'  (Read 391 times)

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Experiment with terrorist rehab fails 1st U.S. test
'De-radicalizing the jihadists doesn't work'
Published: 10 hours ago. Updated: 05/07/2017 at 11:04 PM

ISIS leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi declared the existence of an Islamic caliphate in Iraq and Syria and all ISIS fighters are required to swear an oath to support him as their caliph. Is it possible to ‘rehab’ an ISIS terrorist? The federal government thinks so and is trying to test the concept out on a Somali man who tried to leave Minnesota to join ISIS.

After six Somali refugees were convicted of plotting to board planes and join ISIS in Syria, a U.S. federal judge in Minnesota decided to enroll one of them in an experimental terrorist rehabilitation program.

The program was developed in Europe and operates on the principles of the “countering violent extremism” or CVE, which is also part of the global, United Nations-supported Strong Cities Network.