Author Topic: 100 Days of #TheResistance’s Humiliating Failure  (Read 204 times)

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100 Days of #TheResistance’s Humiliating Failure
« on: May 02, 2017, 01:14:04 pm »
100 Days of #TheResistance’s Humiliating Failure
Kurt Schlichter
Posted: May 01, 2017 12:01 AM

In the first 100 days since Felonia von Pantsuit was not inaugurated, the goofy collection of commie traitors, coastal snobs, and crack-pot weirdoes that hilariously styles itself “#TheResistance” has only managed to successfully resist success. Oh sure, they and the catamite media tried their darnedest but, as Yoda said, “Try not. Do, or do not. There is no try.” And, as Yoda also said, “Chelsea Clinton is best Democrats can do, say you? Kidding me, you are.”

Yeah, after 100 days President Trump has reintroduced the world to Alpha America after eight years of Barack’s fussy betaism, gutted a Schumer-ton of regulations, and broke the Senate Democrats’ spirit by suckering them into a loser play that resulted in Justice Gorsuch today and, I hope, Justice Crazy Conservative Caveman to replace Justice Kennedy this summer. Plus, of course, his two greatest achievements – not being Hillary, and surviving even after being subjected to every slander, lie, and fake news report the gyno-hat left could throw at him.
« Last Edit: May 02, 2017, 01:14:45 pm by rangerrebew »