Author Topic: Russia Hacking Uncovers Evidence Of Democrats Deceit In General Election  (Read 380 times)

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A document obtained by Russians in the course of their constant election hacking revealed that Democrats were in collusion with then-Attorney General to cheat in the general election.

The investigation by The New York Times revealed that among the documents purloined by the Russians is called both an “email” and a “memo” and was written by a Democratic operative.

Here’s how the Times put it: “[The] Democratic operative expressed confidence that Ms. Lynch would keep the Clinton investigation from going too far.”

FBI Director James Comey was worried that Lynch would put the kibosh on their investigation into Clinton’s activities. She insisted that the FBI be called a “matter” and not an “investigation,” and then said the “matter” was not criminal, when it fact it was.

What does this mean? The Times’ investigation suggests that Lynch would have been successful in protecting Clinton more than she was if it were not for a Phoenix reporter catching Lynch meeting with President Clinton at the airport.

It’s well-known at this point that the Russians were trying to affect the outcome of the 2016 election. What hasn’t been reported is the incredible collusion between Lynch and the Democrats to further ensure Hillary Clinton’s victory in the election...

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The Republic is lost.