Author Topic: Bringing the Magic: Conservatism Energized  (Read 2617 times)

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Bringing the Magic: Conservatism Energized
« on: April 21, 2017, 04:24:54 pm »
The intellectual side of Conservatism (typified by William F. Buckley and others) lays down the rational arguments for the things that conservatives and other normal people believe and why leftists are wrong about just about everything that they believe (especially about conservatives and those who disagree with leftists strongly).

These principles / concepts percolate and distill into the "messaging" that takes place in political campaigns. The term "messaging" is borrowed from Madison Avenue (mass-market advertising), but the reality conveyed to people embody the ideals and arguments articulated by intellectually erudite people like Buckley in a form that may be understood and "consumed" by the voting public.

As important as it is for intellectually powerful arguments to be detailed and precise to be powerful, it is equally important for trench-level "messaging" delivered on the political battlefield to be brief, punchy, powerful and to-the-point.

So the challenge for conservatives is to take some fairly sophisticated ideas and arguments and make them understandable to people who may not be inclined for many reasons, to deal easily with abstruse, lengthy or difficult to grasp concepts or rhetoric.

We may in pursuit of that endeavor be wise to use as our guide the Declaration of Independence and the Bill of Rights, since they are not only wonderfully vibrant statements but also phrased in ways that virtually anyone can understand.

The key concerns in how this should be done may be that the ideas must be simple enough to be easily understood and comprehensive (detailed) enough so that they cannot be easily distorted by malicious parsing/ willful misinterpretation by those who would deliberately obfuscate and distort their meaning.

What Conservatives Believe

1. Free Market Capitalism is the Best Way to Help Distribute Prosperity and Bring a Brighter Future to the World

2. Applied Idealism not Entrenched Ideology is the Best Guide for Political Policy

3. Freedom and Responsibility Are Two Sides of the Same Coin: If All is Permitted, Nothing is Forbidden and Freedom Disappears in Eruption of Chaos

4. Laws Should be Guidelines for Justice, (not an end in themselves) Unjust Laws need not be endured, but should be changed.

5. The Rules that Government Operates Under Must Be the Same Ones That the Private Sector Operates Under - In other words, there should not be one set of rules/laws for the Ruling Class and another for everyone else. Elitism has no place in a Constitutional, Free-representative Republic.

6. Spirituality is to be Supported and Encouraged by Government - This may be done by actively and promoting prevailing and popularly-supported benevolent institutions which serve and better the community.

7. Meritocracy (recognition and promotion of excellence in achievement/performance) is one of our cultural values and should be promoted and supported by government, both in bureaucratic entities and in policies carried forth to govern the population.

Some of you may have noticed that these are fairly general things and that some of them are borrowed from the works of others who have posted on the topic on this forum and contributed other work.

I think that this project has the potential for becoming the thing around which all self-described conservatives can unite, just as they did in the 1700s behind the formation of the U.S. Constitution.
GOTWALMA Get out of the way and leave me alone! (Nods to General Teebone)

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Re: Bringing the Magic: Conservatism Energized
« Reply #1 on: April 21, 2017, 06:21:00 pm »
For later.


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Re: Bringing the Magic: Conservatism Energized
« Reply #2 on: April 21, 2017, 06:23:45 pm »
Unfortunately, conservatism is in the woods at the moment. We normals have to watch the commie-NAZI street fights and wonder if it's Wiemar all over again. We know how that ends, the fools cheering it on don't seem to understand it.

Offline LateForLunch

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Re: Bringing the Magic: Conservatism Energized
« Reply #3 on: April 21, 2017, 06:50:30 pm »
Unfortunately, conservatism is in the woods at the moment. We normals have to watch the commie-NAZI street fights and wonder if it's Wiemar all over again. We know how that ends, the fools cheering it on don't seem to understand it.

With all due respect, I think you may be rescripting the morbid fantasies of the far left. The term "in the woods" implies a generalized and potentially growing problem. Though that description certainly applies to the Democrat party, it hardly does to the GOP ( their own problems with inconsistent alignment with conservatism notwithstanding).

The Berkeley fracas was an example of what happens when law enforcement sits on its hands. I'm also inclined to believe that there was some willful neglect going on with the cops (who are all politically aligned with their bosses) because they hoped that any violence would be blamed mostly on the Trump supporters.

That being said, political demonstrations are announced beforehand and broadcast on social media, so that gives all of the yammerheads who are more focused on looking for trouble (such as white supremacists, meth heads etc) plenty of advanced warning so that they can do their own version of "networking" and show up in force to enjoy what they do best - engage in violence.

That is no more indicative of a political party or political faction (conservatives) being "in the woods" than would be any other singular event involving people who are only marginally representative of a "movement" if that. 

The GOP just raised more money in  the first quarter of fund raising than any other in history ($41 million). That does not demonstrate evidence of a movement that is "in the woods".

It is probably more accurate to state that in light of the fairly successful first 100 days in office of DJT, those who despise him and who have aligned against him for personal or doctrinaire ideological reasons are the ones "in the woods" wandering in search of...what? Impeachment? A lightening strike? An assassin with good aim or a knack for making a lucky shot?

Here are some of DJT's accomplishments which are, in the opinion of Hugh Hewitt, unmatched by any president since FDR.

 Use of the Congressional Review Act to undo 18 major regulations  of the Obama regime. This has already resulted in tens of billions of dollars in savings to the American people. What is one of the best things about this is that the bureaucracy can't unring the bell. Trump has used the legislative authority of Congress (with the help of GOP Congressional leaders) to make it so not even a democrat president could easily go back to the sort of reckless ultra vires excesses of the Eightball Obama. He has changed the LAWS, which supersede the authority of bureaucrats. Even more delicious, the CRA was originally enacted by Slick Willie himself, as a means to neutralize GOP influence. heh heh Nice move, Willie.

- Calling out the Obama administration on spying during the 2016 campaign. Many have tried to paint this as an error, but this is IMO a perfect example of how Trump crushed the leftist mass media during the campaign. He says things that the mass media tries to then use against him by portraying them as stupid, then have it slap them back in the face when SURPRISE SURPRISE, they turn out to be correct. So in the case of illegal 'Crat political spying by the White House. The revelation that Susan Rice herself and others used NSA intercepts to spy on the Trump administration (under tissue-thin pretense of "national security") will turn out to do huge damage to the 'Crats politically as the investigation moves forward. Before this is over, the leftist mass media will wish to God that they had resisted the temptation to try to exploit Trump's initial statement. It's clear that they did spy illegally using the power of the White House to do it. The only question will be how much and how egregious? The voting public will not care about nuances. Though the media and politicians will try to make the investigation about minutiae, the story that will have legs and remain in the collective consciousness will be that Trump was essentially correct in every sense that matters - he and his campaign were spied on illegally by the DNC and the Obama regime's top officials. Selah.

- Bombing Syria and confronting the Norks - Another controversial move by the Trump administration will end up as a strong plus when all is said and done. The public understands that in the real world, one is either leading or following. Trump has made it his policy that the U.S. A. will once again lead the free world in every sense and that the "lead-from-behind" duplicitous faggotry of the previous eight years is now a thing of the past. People wanted change in that regard and he is giving it to them.

Gorsuch confirmation - Trump took on Schumer head-on and treated him like the blubbering, feckless boob he is. Trump never took any of the 'Crat threats seriously. The 'Crat finger-shivering about causing trouble if Trump didn't withdraw the Gorsuch nomination drew yawns of boredom. DJT blithely called Schumer's bluff and it turned out that the 'Crats were drawing to an inside straight - not even a pair of deuces to show. Trump got the 'Crats to go for broke to stop the unstoppable. He invited them to force McConnell to behave like a vertebrate, and the Crats took the bait hook, line and sinker. Schumer forced the Senate leader to follow through in response to his threats, by invoking the Reid Rule. Now every nominee the GOP puts forth will be approved on an up-or-down vote in the Senate. Selah! Schumer took Reid's blunder and boosted it like Ted Nugent with a stack of Marshall amplifiers. Schumer proved that the 'Crats have no strategery (sic). Their strategery(sic) is to blunder around like idiots without any strategery(sic). Brilliant.
« Last Edit: April 21, 2017, 06:52:38 pm by LateForLunch »
GOTWALMA Get out of the way and leave me alone! (Nods to General Teebone)

Offline Joe Wooten

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Re: Bringing the Magic: Conservatism Energized
« Reply #4 on: April 22, 2017, 12:04:54 am »
I thought the CRA was Newt's idea that he pushed through Congress and Slick Willie signed it thinking Congress would never use it.

Offline LateForLunch

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Re: Bringing the Magic: Conservatism Energized
« Reply #5 on: April 24, 2017, 01:35:46 pm »
I thought the CRA was Newt's idea that he pushed through Congress and Slick Willie signed it thinking Congress would never use it.

hah hah true enough. Part of the Contract With America. Slick Willie was almost correct. Until now, it was used successfully only once, in 2001.

One of the recurring problemas for the far left when they get government power is to inadequately estimate the unintended consequences of their actions. The Reid Rule is one example and the CRA passage (Slick Willie doing the right thing for the wrong reasons)another. The obscene expansion of executive authority under the walking disaster that was/is the Eigthball Obama is another, the impact of which has not been fully sussed (but it is revealing that the Supreme Court is apt to sit on their hands in matters of legislation, rather than adjudicating laws out of existence because of flaws).

So far DJT has shown exponentially more restraint in the use of executive action than the Eightball Obama, mostly undoing (in conjunction with CRA passage) things which enlarged government authority and/or gave authority to bureaucratic entities who should clearly never have had it in the first place (ultra vires).
« Last Edit: April 24, 2017, 01:45:01 pm by LateForLunch »
GOTWALMA Get out of the way and leave me alone! (Nods to General Teebone)

Offline Joe Wooten

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Re: Bringing the Magic: Conservatism Energized
« Reply #6 on: April 24, 2017, 03:36:35 pm »
So far DJT has shown exponentially more restraint in the use of executive action than the Eightball Obama, mostly undoing (in conjunction with CRA passage) things which enlarged government authority and/or gave authority to bureaucratic entities who should clearly never have had it in the first place (ultra vires).

Can't disagree with that.....