Author Topic: Trump soars in the polls...but don't tell Dan Rather  (Read 284 times)

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Trump soars in the polls...but don't tell Dan Rather
« on: April 18, 2017, 09:28:49 am »
April 17, 2017
Trump soars in the polls...but don't tell Dan Rather
By Monica Showalter

President Trump is soaring in the polls this week, according to a new one out taken by Rasmussen, reaching a 50% approval rating.

Rasmussen doesn't give a reason, so the best clue out there is to consider what has changed in the past week.  Was it bureaucratic infighting at the West Wing?  Was it the White House Easter Egg Roll?  Was it the ascent of Neil Gorsuch to the Supreme Court?  Probably some of those things helped.  But the real news was in Trump's decisive military action – first in the Syrian airstrike, second in the release of the Mother of all Bombs on ISIS's cave fighters in eastern Afghanistan, and third in the news of possible U.S. hacking of North Korea's missile launch, which failed terribly and will send innumerable minions of dictator Kim Jong-un to his infamous shark tank.

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