Author Topic: The pigpen left: Dead body found in DAPL protest debris  (Read 256 times)

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The pigpen left: Dead body found in DAPL protest debris
« on: April 12, 2017, 10:47:15 am »
pril 11, 2017
The pigpen left: Dead body found in DAPL protest debris
By Monica Showalter

With the snows melting in icy North Dakota, the mounds of frozen garbage left by far-left Dakota Access Pipeline (DAPL) protesters are finally being cleared.  What should the police find in all those acres of debris?  A dead body, not surprisingly, nestled among all the garbage-barge-like flotsam and jetsam such Occupy-inspired campout protests always leave in their wake.

The body was of a California man who hung out at protests as an "activist" and who had been reported missing by his stepbrother last October.  It was found in the Cannonball River, where it had been left among all the detritus of the protesters, apparently none of them particularly caring, yet all full of self-righteous virtuousness about saving the earth as their demonstration spun into chaos.  That's right: they left a fellow protester's dead body behind in a river but piously lectured the people of the North Dakota about the horrors of the Dakota Access Pipeline polluting some lake.

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