Author Topic: Trump’s Precedent for Claiming Immunity? Clinton v. Jones (NYT)  (Read 336 times)

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Trump’s Precedent for Claiming Immunity? Clinton v. Jones


WASHINGTON — President Trump’s lawyers made a bold argument in a court filing last week. They said he was too busy and important to respond to lawsuits in state courts over his private conduct so long as he remained in office.

They cited a surprising precedent to support their argument: Clinton v. Jones, the 1997 Supreme Court decision that allowed a sexual harassment suit against President Bill Clinton to move forward in federal court while he was in office.

It is true that the decision has not aged well, but at first blush it seems to undercut rather than support Mr. Trump’s position. The ruling, after all, rejected Mr. Clinton’s argument that making him respond to a suit from Paula Jones would be a burdensome distraction of constitutional dimensions. (Ms. Jones said Mr. Clinton had made lewd advances in an Arkansas hotel room when he was governor of the state.)

The decision is best remembered for a spectacularly wrong prediction in Justice John Paul Stevens’s majority opinion. Ms. Jones’s case, Justice Stevens wrote, “appears to us highly unlikely to occupy any substantial amount of petitioner’s time.” In fact, it led to Mr. Clinton’s impeachment.

In that same paragraph, Justice Stevens made a second prediction, one that took a little longer to ripen into brilliant wrongness.

“In the more than 200-year history of the Republic, only three sitting presidents have been subjected to suits for their private actions,” he wrote. “If the past is any indicator, it seems unlikely that a deluge of such litigation will ever engulf the presidency.”

Suits against Presidents Theodore Roosevelt and Harry S. Truman were dismissed, and one against President John F. Kennedy involving a car accident during his 1960 campaign was settled. The case against Mr. Clinton added a fourth.

Mr. Trump, though, is a one-man litigation magnet. As of October, USA Today reported, “at least 75 of the 4,000-plus lawsuits involving Trump and his businesses remain open.”

The suits are varied, and some arose from statements Mr. Trump made on the campaign trail. On Friday, for instance, a federal judge in Kentucky ruled in favor of people who were injured at one of his campaign rallies. The decision was preliminary, but the judge said the plaintiffs might be able to prove that Mr. Trump had incited violence.

Last week’s filing came in a libel suit brought in state court in New York by Summer Zervos, a former contestant on “The Apprentice.”

In October, after the release of a recording in which Mr. Trump boasted about sexually assaulting women, Ms. Zervos came forward to say Mr. Trump had kissed and groped her a decade before in his office in New York and at a Los Angeles hotel.

Mr. Trump disputed Ms. Zervos’s account, saying he had never met her “at a hotel or greeted her inappropriately.”
Ms. Zervos, who said she had been called a liar, sued for libel. Her lawsuit contains detailed allegations, some of which are presumably verifiable. For instance: “Dinner consisted of a club sandwich and fries, which Ms. Zervos and Mr. Trump shared. He complained about the price.”

In his brief last week, Mr. Trump again denied Ms. Zervos’s charges, calling them “false, legally insufficient and made in a transparent politically motivated attack.”

Both sides have said the decision in Clinton v. Jones helps them.

At a news conference announcing the libel suit in January, days before Mr. Trump took office, Gloria Allred, one of Ms. Zervos’s lawyers, said the case could be heard while Mr. Trump was president, citing Clinton v. Jones.

Ms. Allred added that Ms. Zervos’s case bore similarities to the earlier one. “A lawsuit against then-President Clinton had consequences for him,” Ms. Allred said. “This lawsuit will have consequences, potentially, for then-President Trump.”

Mr. Trump’s lawyers said they had a different understanding of Clinton v. Jones, announcing in last week’s brief, which was mostly concerned with scheduling, that they planned to file a motion arguing that the Constitution “immunizes the president from being sued in state court while in office.”

“This crucial threshold issue was raised, but not decided, by the U.S. Supreme Court in Clinton v. Jones,” the brief said, accurately.

The case against Mr. Clinton was brought in federal court. The one against Mr. Trump is in state court. The difference is not trivial, and the Supreme Court based its decision in the Clinton case on the separation of powers, which concerns the branches of the federal government.

Much of the Supreme Court argument was concerned with the distinction. “Any general rule we adopt surely has to be one that we can enforce upon state courts as well as federal,” Justice Antonin Scalia said.

In the decision, though, the Supreme Court did not adopt a general rule.

“Because the claim of immunity is asserted in a federal court and relies heavily on the doctrine of separation of powers that restrains each of the three branches of the federal government from encroaching on the domain of the other two,” Justice Stevens wrote, “it is not necessary to consider or decide whether a comparable claim might succeed in a state tribunal.”

He said arguments from a president sued in state court, based on “federalism and comity concerns, as well as the interest in protecting federal officials from possible local prejudice,” might require a different approach. “Whether those concerns would present a more compelling case for immunity is a question that is not before us,” Justice Stevens wrote.

So Mr. Trump’s lawyers are right that it is an open question whether Ms. Zervos’s case and others like it can proceed while he is in office. But legal experts were doubtful that Mr. Trump would be granted a shield denied to Mr. Clinton.


No government in the 12,000 years of modern mankind history has led its people into anything but the history books with a simple lesson, don't let this happen to you.