Author Topic: The vast wasteland that is the Sunday news shows...  (Read 426 times)

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The vast wasteland that is the Sunday news shows...
« on: April 03, 2017, 10:19:21 am »
April 3, 2017
The vast wasteland that is the Sunday news shows...
By Patricia McCarthy

No one should waste their time watching any of the five Sunday news programs. They are all of a piece, joined at the hip in their singular campaign against President Trump. The hosts of each show are leftists, including Chris Wallace of Fox; that apple did not fall far from the tree. The rest of them, Dickerson (CBS), Todd (NBC), Tapper (CNN), Stephanopoulos, and Radditz (ABC) are fleas on the same dog. Not one of them is distinguishable from the other. They proudly antagonize any conservative guest then strive and grovel to inflate Democrat guests. They verbally bully every Republican and lick the boots of every Democrat. Whatever talking points are issued to them, they obediently beat them to a pulp. They do this on every show, every week. Each program is a submissive arm of the Democrats. They do not offer objective news, they aim to indoctrinate, to propagandize. Their panels are chock full of progressives with maybe one token conservative who is regularly shouted down. The progs happily pronounce the Trump administration a failure after less than a hundred days in office. These people are out of their minds.

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